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Arc helps you hire top Web developers for freelance and full-time jobs in Chicago. With 350,000+ software vetted programmers in Chicago available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest network of vetted talent. Our Silicon Valley-caliber vetting process ensure you hire Web developers and experts in Chicago that you can trust.

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Top senior Web developers for hire in Chicago

Want to expand your Web development team in Chicago? Here are some of our top full-time and freelance Web developers in Chicago for you to browse, interview, and hire.

Beaei P - Web developer in Chicago

Welcome! Let's make things together that make things better. My name is Beaei and I am a deeply passionate about effectiveness, long-term thinking, systems thinking, and technology that makes us live better. I'm currently on the Core Development Team of Amply Power. I also was the founding co-lead of Thinkful's first Full Time Bootcamp, back when we became the #1 Bootcamp Nationally according to Course Reports. I'm also currently the lead architect on software that makes it easy for community cooperatives to study their easier and more effective. The project is React/Redux, Node.js, MySQL, with a Docker/Kubernetes deployment coming very soon. I'm also extremely passionate about Test Driven Development and love teaching Enzyme, Chai HTTP, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Jest, Mocha, all the things. Also passionate about design: HTML, CSS, SASS, LESS, Material UI, Bootstrap and usability testing. DBs: PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Mongo, Redis, CouchDB, GraphQL Also a polyglot: C, C++, LISP, Scheme, Java, Bash Experience in Digital Ocean, AWS and GCloud. I'm also available to help you study any kind of service organization as a system. And I do technical evaluations, train the trainer, teacher training, and facilitation training (for planning, meetings, presentations, design, code readings, mediation and more).

Joseph C - Web developer in Chicago

Hi, I'm a senior software engineer that decided to try and build my dream of an online gallery for Art instead of renewing my last contract position. I love python. I've been using computers as long as I can remember. I'm self-taught, and I'm able to understand any source code I've looked at so far (as long as it's not esoteric, or uglified). I started out building web sites when I was in high school. I built my first program in C, then tried to learn C++. I then decided to try python, and perl. I liked Python a lot. I went to school for Art, knowing I could always do something with computers if I needed to. After graduating, my first programming job was a full-time engineer at The Noun Project, where one of my coworkers, who then became the CTO, was a Django core contributor. After that I joined a small consulting firm of two cloud engineers who were doing consulting work for big names like MLB, HBO, Harvard, where I was brought on as their first hire (3rd employee) to teach them how to use Docker. I'm interested in being a contributor to a project that I don't have to decide the direction of, since I have been building clever.gallery for the last few years, and need to take a step back while things are in flux.

Daniel ( - Web developer in Chicago
Senior Full Stack Developer

I offer 10 years of development experience, a strong aptitude for learning new technologies, and a proven track record of meeting aggressive goals. My most notable skills include: - Software Development: I bring over 10 years of experience developing software for multiple clients in various environments. I possess a solid knowledge of web and mobile development. - Project Management: I have been successful in providing high-level technical direction to drive projects from conception and design through QA and deployment. - Communication Skills: I am comfortable communicating with technical and non-technical employees throughout the company in order to complete projects and achieve organizational goals. The most important in my career: I have built a ton of web and mobile apps from start to finish, including developing a project plan, creating the UI/UX, and programming the front end and backend. i.e. shopping app, healthcare, fitness, e-commerce, real estate, beauty consultant, dating, social networking, etc...

It's Easy to Hire Top Web Developers in Chicago With Arc

It's Easy to Hire Top Web Developers in Chicago With Arc

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