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Arc helps you hire top Software developers for freelance and full-time jobs in London. With 350,000+ software vetted programmers in London available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest network of vetted talent. Our Silicon Valley-caliber vetting process ensure you hire Software developers and experts in London that you can trust.

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Top senior Software developers for hire in London

Want to expand your Software development team in London? Here are some of our top full-time and freelance Software developers in London for you to browse, interview, and hire.

Tito O - Software developer in London
London,ย Uganda

I have completed a Master of Science in Embedded and Mobile Systems (EMoS) at The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, (2020 โ€“ 2022), Arusha Tanzania. The course provided me with the knowledge to develop practical skills and theoretical knowledge in embedded systems engineering, including embedded systems programming, embedded operating systems, and embedded hardware engineering as well as advanced electronics including Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) based on digital system design, image and signal processing, digital communications, wireless intelligent systems, and robotics. I learned about a dedicated function within a larger physical systemโ€“ be it mechanical, electrical, chemical, etc. or blends thereof โ€“, often with real-time computing constraints. It is embedded as part of a complete cyber-physical device tightly integrating software, digital hardware, sensors and actuators, and increasingly also networking functionality. I have also Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering (Second Class Upper Division) from Busitema University, Uganda. My distinguished academic and extracurricular performance came to the attention of senior lecturers at Busitema University who were impressed by my achievements and hard work. I participated in three major projects at Busitema university and with different employers during work placements. As part of my degree projects, I learned and acquired technical skills in designing and implementing an Intelligent Network Engineering Project and using TCP/IP networks. I am working with GIT Technologies Limited as a Project Manager/Software Engineer. I have over 10 years of experience working with different operating systems and platforms namely Windows, UNIX, and Dos. I have worked on numerous projects for different companies and government departments from concept to completion. A trained specialist in C++, Java, .NET, JavaScript, PHP, MVC, HTML and CSS. I take pride in coding and computer networking to high standards and regularly refresh my skills to keep up with ongoing developments.

mhd M - Software developer in London
London,ย Syria

Flutter&FlutterFlow Developer | software engineer experienced in working with teams and clients, seeking a new challenge to build novel B2C products

Michael B - Software developer in London

Unity Certified Associate Programmer with more than 15 years of Experience in IT - Computer Science - Software Programming , Tools Scripting, Procedural Modelling , Procedural Texturing , RealTime Rendering , Animation and shaders VFX Working currently as a Lead AR/VR Technical Artist - Technical Director Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence : (Python , Supervised Learning , Ensemble Techniques , Model tuning , Unsupervised Learning , Neural Networks , Computer Vision , Statistical Learning , Recommendation Systems , Model Deployment) Software and Game Developement : ( Unity 3D , Qt C++ QML , Unreal Engine , Ios Xcode) Procedural and DCC Tools , Game Dev Scripting creation: (Python , Pyqt, C++ , C# , Qt) Expert in upgrading traditional DCC pipelines to procedural systems , user driven or fully / semi automated , including team management and transition - training to operate along those lines.

It's Easy to Hire Top Software Developers in London With Arc

It's Easy to Hire Top Software Developers in London With Arc

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