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Angular 2 Developer Hourly Rate Distribution

Average Hourly Rate:


Median Hourly Rate:


How much Angular 2 developers charge?

Angular 2.0, released in 2016, was designed with mobile app development in mind and is conducive to cross-platform application development. The framework is written in TypeScript, rather than basic JavaScript, and is based on a components structure. Projects built with Angular 2 include Google Adsense, Youtube Echoes, Beam, and the Hacker News Progressive App. Developers with Angular 2 experience make an average of $79,985 per year. As for freelancers, their rate is around $61-80/hr on average.

Keep in mind that the above rates may also fluctuate depending on your hiring needs, whether you're looking for a full-time, part-time, contract, or freelance Angular 2 developer. The cost of hiring an on-site versus a remote developer may differ as well.

Hire top freelance Angular 2 developer today

Ishmeet S. - Angular 2 developer in undefined
Ishmeet S.
Senior Angular 2 developer

I am a full-stack engineer and leader with 7+ years of experience building iOS and web apps from scratch using multiple technologies. In addition to working for Microsoft and Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), I co-founded a start-up, developed a suite of cross-platform process automation apps used by manufacturing enterprises across the globe, and generated $500,000+ in less than two years. My industry experience is backed by a master's degree in computer science.

Halil T. - Angular 2 developer in undefined
Halil T.
Senior Angular 2 developer

I am a full stack software developer with 9 years of experience in diverse tech stack and projects and products of different scale within both fully remote and local roles. I have experience in microservices and cloud and tried to develop myself in different aspects of software engineering as well as project management to understand our clients well.

Anton S. - Angular 2 developer in undefined
Anton S.
Senior Angular 2 developer

I am an entrepreneur with a passion for software architecture, innovation, and IT management. I excel at staying current with new technologies and leveraging legacy systems to drive business transformation. Proactive problem-solving and independent research are at the core of my approach to decision-making. I am dedicated to adding value to businesses through my work, and I am always thinking about the future of my projects.

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How to negotiate Angular 2 developer hourly rates?

Whether you already have a development team or want to build a new one, hiring a skilled freelance Angular 2 developer can help accelerate your projects. The key factor when considering a freelance Angular 2 developer is your budget – how much you have and how much you're willing to invest. The hourly rates of Angular 2 developers can vary based on their location and your project's scope.

Let's begin with location. Hiring remote developers offers the advantage of choosing from various geographic locations and time zones that align with your project requirements. For instance, if most of your development team is based in North America, you might want to explore freelance Angular 2 developers in the United States, Canada, or Mexico for better worktime overlap. On the other hand, if you're on a tighter budget, consider working with freelance Angular 2 developers in South American countries like Argentina, Brazil, or Colombia, or in Asian countries like India, the Philippines, and Malaysia. Hiring freelance developers outside North America often allows for negotiation of lower Angular 2 developer hourly rates.

Another significant factor influencing the Angular 2 developer hourly rate is your project's scope. Typically, more complex projects mean higher overall costs. However, if you plan to engage with your freelance developer for an extended period, you can discuss a reduced Angular 2 developer hourly rate. Providing freelance developers with a consistent flow of projects incentivizes them to lower their hourly rates.

To accurately determine the total cost, have a detailed discussion about your project with your freelance developer. Ensure you convey your ideas comprehensively, which will enable your freelance developer to provide a precise Angular 2 developer hourly rate estimate. While estimating development timelines can be challenging for lengthy coding projects, offering the developer as much detail as possible will help align the estimate closely with the actual cost.

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