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Java Developer Hourly Rate Distribution

Average Hourly Rate:


Median Hourly Rate:


How much Java developers charge?

First released in 1995, Java is a general-purpose language that is concurrent, class-based, and object-oriented, with the goal of letting application developers “write once, run anywhere.” Java is one of the most popular programming languages, especially for client-server web applications, and boasts a nine million strong developer base. In Stack Overflow’s 2018 Developer Survey, 45.4% of professional developers worked with Java, compared to 37.9% for Python and 10.3% for Ruby. Java developers that freelance typically charge an average of $61-80/hr.

When hiring Java developers, be sure to also consider the difference in hourly rates for different engagement types, such as temp, part-time, and freelance. Developers that are hired for full-time jobs may charge different rates if you want to someone who is available on-site versus fully remote.

Hire top freelance Java developer today

Aksel . - Java developer in undefined
Aksel .
Senior Java developer

With over 15 years of all-rounded expertise in staff software engineering and architecture, I boast a proven track record in designing highly scalable compute-intensive workflows. My focus industries span fintech, e-commerce/retail, and private/public cloud data processing and management. I command a broad range of computer science skills, from design and implementation to RESTful services and distributed systems. A certified Scrum Master, I lead feature tracks roadmaps with Agile methodologies, employing Test Driven Development. Lastly, I bring a fresh cosmopolitan drive, dynamic, and assertive presence to the teams I work with. I collaborate closely with top companies, startups, and entrepreneurs to ensure that their projects are not only completed on time but also excel in quality and performance. Through clear and effective communication, I ensure that all stakeholders are aligned and informed throughout the project lifecycle. My dedication to code excellence and adherence to industry best practices guarantee that the software solutions delivered are robust, scalable, and maintainable. By setting and upholding high delivery standards, I empower teams to achieve their goals efficiently and exceed expectations.

priyansh N. - Java developer in undefined
priyansh N.
Senior Java developer

Architect with experience of 8+ years in Frontend +Backend+big data I Have worked across various domains in my career did freelancing as well as worked for top product based companies I have expertise in payment, Ecommerce, Banking domain as well as i have knowledge of building enterprise web application and Windows , Linux native applications which can scale at high level I am java certified professional and I am having below mentioned certificates • Java Certified- Oracle certified java developer • Web component certified -Oracle Certified Web Component developer • Certified Spring boot and Aws architect. My experience is vastly distributed across technologies, such as: • Backend Solutions System Designing ,Complex application designs ,Data structure and algorithm,Architecturing Test Driven development,Team management,Windows native application,Web Applications • Tools and Tech: Language: Java ,Golang, Kotlin , Python ,Typescript,Javascript,Ruby Data base: Cassandra, Mongo-Db,Postgresql,CouchBase,MySql,Oracle,Sql and Plsql Caching: Redis,MemCache, Framework: Hibernate,Spring Jpa, Spring boot,React-Go,Dynamo-Db,Spring-Cloud,Spring-Mvc CI/CD: Jenkins, Aws-Codecommit, BitBucket, AzureDevops, Continuous Delivery Cloud: Aws and Azure Messaging-Queue: Kafka,Aws-msk,Azure-EventHub Architecture: Microservices,EventDriven,Monolithic,Windows native application Have knowledge of concurrency and event driven systems . • Front End Technologies JavaScript, jQuery, Angular 2, Typescript,React ,Es6,npm,web pack, grunt • Hadoop Ecosystems Spark, scala, hdfs ,Mapreduce,Hadoop,scoop,hive,

Jayesh K. - Java developer in undefined
Jayesh K.
Senior Java developer

A Senior Software Engineer and Tech lead with technical and management experience under my belt. I have been working in iOS technology for the past 9 years. I have extensive experience writing apps from scratch starting with requirement gathering, working with app designers, implementation, testing, releasing to the app store, and maintenance.

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How to negotiate Java developer hourly rates?

Whether you already have a development team or want to build a new one, hiring a skilled freelance Java developer can help accelerate your projects. The key factor when considering a freelance Java developer is your budget – how much you have and how much you're willing to invest. The hourly rates of Java developers can vary based on their location and your project's scope.

Let's begin with location. Hiring remote developers offers the advantage of choosing from various geographic locations and time zones that align with your project requirements. For instance, if most of your development team is based in North America, you might want to explore freelance Java developers in the United States, Canada, or Mexico for better worktime overlap. On the other hand, if you're on a tighter budget, consider working with freelance Java developers in South American countries like Argentina, Brazil, or Colombia, or in Asian countries like India, the Philippines, and Malaysia. Hiring freelance developers outside North America often allows for negotiation of lower Java developer hourly rates.

Another significant factor influencing the Java developer hourly rate is your project's scope. Typically, more complex projects mean higher overall costs. However, if you plan to engage with your freelance developer for an extended period, you can discuss a reduced Java developer hourly rate. Providing freelance developers with a consistent flow of projects incentivizes them to lower their hourly rates.

To accurately determine the total cost, have a detailed discussion about your project with your freelance developer. Ensure you convey your ideas comprehensively, which will enable your freelance developer to provide a precise Java developer hourly rate estimate. While estimating development timelines can be challenging for lengthy coding projects, offering the developer as much detail as possible will help align the estimate closely with the actual cost.

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