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Java Developer Hourly Rate Distribution

$41-60$61-80$81-100$101-120$121-140$141-160Amount of Freelancers

Average Hourly Rate:


Median Hourly Rate:


How much Java developers charge?

First released in 1995, Java is a general-purpose language that is concurrent, class-based, and object-oriented, with the goal of letting application developers “write once, run anywhere.” Java is one of the most popular programming languages, especially for client-server web applications, and boasts a nine million strong developer base. In Stack Overflow’s 2018 Developer Survey, 45.4% of professional developers worked with Java, compared to 37.9% for Python and 10.3% for Ruby. Java developers that freelance typically charge an average of $61-80/hr.

When hiring Java developers, be sure to also consider the difference in hourly rates for different engagement types, such as temp, part-time, and freelance. Developers that are hired for full-time jobs may charge different rates if you want to someone who is available on-site versus fully remote.

Hire top freelance Java developer today

Fei Z. - Java developer in undefined
Fei Z.
Senior Java developer

1. Industrial experience in developing data platforms. 2. Various development experiences on front-end, back-end, DevOps, data engineering, etc. 3. Solid knowledge of Java, JavaScript, React.js, Spark, etc. 4. Academic background in algorithms, data structure, machine learning, natural language processing, etc. 5. Prudent, diligent, detail-oriented, willing to take ownership.

Matthew L. - Java developer in undefined
Matthew L.
Senior Java developer

I have 20+ years in the technology industry and have serviced the financial, government, insurance, healthcare, energy, startup/technology, and retail sectors ranging from data architecture, software engineering, R&D, DevOps, management, strategic consulting, patented applications, and high-value revenue-generating applications & architecture. I hold patents in secured distributed messaging architecture, contribute to numerous open-source projects, and have conducted pioneering research in resilient cloud architectures based on fault-tolerant rough-set grammars. I hold patents in secure distributed messaging architecture, contribute to numerous open-source projects, and have conducted pioneering research in resilient cloud architectures based on fault-tolerant rough-set grammars. ● High-Performance Computing (HPC) ● Microservices Architecture ● Multi-Agent Distributed Computation ● Highly scalable Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) ● Predictive Big Data Analytics ● Consensus Algorithm Design ● High-Value Research & Development ● Cloud Architecture and Implementation ● DevOps and Security Penetration Testing ● System Virtualization and Containerization ● Data Center Relocations ● Security Audits ● Server Performance Management ● Capacity and Deployment Planning ● Management ● Storage Management ● Network Infrastructure Design and Implementation

Helena W. - Java developer in undefined
Helena W.
Java developer

I am an ex-Coinbase data analyst and growth marketing manager with deep experience building growth loops and models for both startups and public companies based on product/customer data. I also have led growth marketing at Teal and and have grown revenue by debugging AARRR funnels, bridging both technical and qualitative aspects of marketing analytics and strategy. The startup world has always been a fun and exciting stage for me, and I hope to find ambitious founders to consult for and help them overcome their product and marketing blockers to reach the next stage of profitable growth. With expertise in SQL, JavaScript, Python, and more, and comfort setting up Meta pixels and conversion API, I act as a single expert deploying code, analyzing funnels, and building data reports and post-mortems for marketing campaigns.

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How to negotiate Java developer hourly rates?

Whether you already have a development team or want to build a new one, hiring a skilled freelance Java developer can help accelerate your projects. The key factor when considering a freelance Java developer is your budget – how much you have and how much you're willing to invest. The hourly rates of Java developers can vary based on their location and your project's scope.

Let's begin with location. Hiring remote developers offers the advantage of choosing from various geographic locations and time zones that align with your project requirements. For instance, if most of your development team is based in North America, you might want to explore freelance Java developers in the United States, Canada, or Mexico for better worktime overlap. On the other hand, if you're on a tighter budget, consider working with freelance Java developers in South American countries like Argentina, Brazil, or Colombia, or in Asian countries like India, the Philippines, and Malaysia. Hiring freelance developers outside North America often allows for negotiation of lower Java developer hourly rates.

Another significant factor influencing the Java developer hourly rate is your project's scope. Typically, more complex projects mean higher overall costs. However, if you plan to engage with your freelance developer for an extended period, you can discuss a reduced Java developer hourly rate. Providing freelance developers with a consistent flow of projects incentivizes them to lower their hourly rates.

To accurately determine the total cost, have a detailed discussion about your project with your freelance developer. Ensure you convey your ideas comprehensively, which will enable your freelance developer to provide a precise Java developer hourly rate estimate. While estimating development timelines can be challenging for lengthy coding projects, offering the developer as much detail as possible will help align the estimate closely with the actual cost.

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