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Mobile App Development Developer Hourly Rate Distribution

Average Hourly Rate:


Median Hourly Rate:


How much Mobile App Development developers charge?

The mobile app economy continues to rise, and the mobile app revenue worldwide is reported to be at $88.5 billion in 2016. Twenty percent of developers surveyed in Stack Overflow’s developer survey identify themselves as mobile app developers. In the United States, mobile app developer can earn approximately $107,000 annually, with iOS and Android developers earning slightly more. On average, freelance mobile app developers will charge $61-80/hr, and the number varies depending on background, location, and the requirements of your mobile app.

When hiring Mobile App Development developers, be sure to also consider the difference in hourly rates for different engagement types, such as temp, part-time, and freelance. Developers that are hired for full-time jobs may charge different rates if you want to someone who is available on-site versus fully remote.

Hire top freelance Mobile App Development developer today

Ryan V. - Mobile App Development developer in undefined
Ryan V.
Senior Mobile App Development developer

MBA graduate with 15+ years experience in mobile computing industry. Involved in building successful products, sales programs, product marketing plans and launches of mobile and web solutions. Extensive background in: iPhone/iPad Application Development, Android Application Development, PHP Development, Product Development, Product Definition, Business Strategy, Product Presentation, SW Development Process, Marketing analysis of technology, Team management

Carlos M. - Mobile App Development developer in undefined
Carlos M.
Mobile App Development developer

Passionate _self-taught programmer_ and **fast learner** with the ability to work with others. I enjoy working with Flutter and Dart. Looking for a challenge.

Christian S. - Mobile App Development developer in undefined
Christian S.
Senior Mobile App Development developer

Experienced full-stack, database, mobile, and more recently blockchain developer with a foundation in security and Linux/Unix systems. Proficient across the stack, including developing advanced database schemas and performant SQL queries, to building CI/CD pipelines, container orchestration, and working with cloud infrastructure (AWS, Google Cloud). Backend: Began my development career with vanilla PHP and MySQL, and then transitioning to frameworks like Zend and Laravel. Gained extensive experience with Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL during a project with Pivotal Labs. More recently, my work has centered around Rust-based axum/sqlx, but also have a lot of experience working with Node. Database: Primarily focused on PostgreSQL, with extensive experience in designing advanced schemas, optimizing queries, and developing stored procedures (PL/pgSQL). Also, skilled at using window functions, CTEs, and custom views. Additionally experienced with TimescaleDB, MySQL, MongoDB, and ElasticSearch across various projects. Frontend: Worked with plain JavaScript early on, and then with libraries like jQuery and Knockout. Currently focused on React, React Native, and Vue including use with TypeScript. Adaptable to evolving frontend ecosystems with a deep understanding of maintainable and modular UI architectures. Mobile: Developed and published numerous applications for iOS written natively in Objective-C and Swift, including porting an app from Blackberry. Have also developed cross platform apps for Android & iOS with React Native. DevOps: Over 20 years of experience working with various flavors of Unix including Linux, \*BSD, Solaris, etc from system administration to developing rootkits and patching kernels. Currently specializing in containerization with Docker and orchestration tools. Managed several cloud-based project environments using AWS and Google Cloud services, with attention to cost-efficiency and security.

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How to negotiate Mobile App Development developer hourly rates?

Whether you already have a development team or want to build a new one, hiring a skilled freelance Mobile App Development developer can help accelerate your projects. The key factor when considering a freelance Mobile App Development developer is your budget – how much you have and how much you're willing to invest. The hourly rates of Mobile App Development developers can vary based on their location and your project's scope.

Let's begin with location. Hiring remote developers offers the advantage of choosing from various geographic locations and time zones that align with your project requirements. For instance, if most of your development team is based in North America, you might want to explore freelance Mobile App Development developers in the United States, Canada, or Mexico for better worktime overlap. On the other hand, if you're on a tighter budget, consider working with freelance Mobile App Development developers in South American countries like Argentina, Brazil, or Colombia, or in Asian countries like India, the Philippines, and Malaysia. Hiring freelance developers outside North America often allows for negotiation of lower Mobile App Development developer hourly rates.

Another significant factor influencing the Mobile App Development developer hourly rate is your project's scope. Typically, more complex projects mean higher overall costs. However, if you plan to engage with your freelance developer for an extended period, you can discuss a reduced Mobile App Development developer hourly rate. Providing freelance developers with a consistent flow of projects incentivizes them to lower their hourly rates.

To accurately determine the total cost, have a detailed discussion about your project with your freelance developer. Ensure you convey your ideas comprehensively, which will enable your freelance developer to provide a precise Mobile App Development developer hourly rate estimate. While estimating development timelines can be challenging for lengthy coding projects, offering the developer as much detail as possible will help align the estimate closely with the actual cost.

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