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Arc helps you hire top React developers for freelance and full-time jobs in LATAM. With 3,943 React vetted programmers in LATAM available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest network of vetted talent. Our Silicon Valley-caliber vetting process ensure you hire React developers and experts in LATAM that you can trust.

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Top senior React developers for hire in LATAM

Want to expand your React development team in LATAM? Here are some of our top full-time and freelance React developers in LATAM for you to browse, interview, and hire.

Justin H - React developer in LATAM
Aguada,ย Puerto Rico

I write a lot of code, for a lot of people, a lot of the time. I prefer javascript. My favorite stack is React.js front end, React Native for mobile, with Nest.js, Apollo, Prisma (GraphqQL) back end. I'm also proficient in PHP (16 years) and have worked with Java and dabbled with C#.

Lucas B - React developer in LATAM
Florianรณpolis,ย Brazil

I know overheads and trade-offs very well. In other words, I am very much a performance-aware person. My ultimate goal for each project I partake in is to build robust, scalable, and cost-efficient software. With **more than 20 years of experience, I catch on to business rules quickly** and I can make formative suggestions. Itโ€™s a known fact that programming constantly evolves and will produce new tools. There will always be more to conquer and that is where the fun is. Great solutions are only possible to identify and implement **when, and only when**, meaningful conversations about the customers and users' needs and challenges take place.

Matias P - React developer in LATAM
Munro,ย Argentina

I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina, I've been a developer since 1998 and a full stack web developer since 2004, I have 19 years as a web developer, with languages like PHP (19+ yrs.), Javascript (19+ yrs.), NodeJS (4+ yrs.), VueJS (5+ yrs.), ReactJS (2+ yrs.), I also have a college degree in System Analysis from UTN. I have worked in many industries and many different companies with its peculiarities, I'm an active listener so I can offer the best solution for your needs and objectives. I truly love development. I get excited every time my favorite languages and tools release a new feature. I love to learn new things, so sometimes I go on and on talking about development all day with my dev friends. In 2012 I co-founded a startup called aluGuest (it was operative until 2017), a platform for temporary accommodation rental. I built the architecture for aluGuest from zero. I was able to gather a small but solid team for both web development and design to solve our needs, at the time, ReactJS, VueJS or even Node did not exist yet, or they were in very early stages (beta versions or prior), so I built a solid platform using jQuery, PHP, MySQL and MongoDB, the platform was very fast and bullet proof, to process credit cards and handle money, we didn't have any security breached and the code built was very robust. Later in 2017 I learned VueJS. I become part of several projects using it. I participated in a very large VueJS project for the Argentina government (a Transportation Agency), and other private held companiesโ€™ projects in the most diverse applications, I also rebuild my ex partner's (from aluGuest) companyโ€™s ecommerce platform (a small temp apartment rental agency in Buenos Aires) Welcome2BA, using NuxtJS (a VueJS framework) and PHP 7. In the latest years I worked with ReactJS, NextJS and some minor VueJS projects. I also worked in backend creating APIs and batch applications in NodeJS and PHP. I have more to share, so I hope we can meet soon.

It's Easy to Hire Top React Developers in LATAM With Arc

It's Easy to Hire Top React Developers in LATAM With Arc

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