Hire Top Freelance
.NET Developers

Arc helps you hire top .NET developers for freelance and full-time jobs in APAC. With 707 .NET vetted programmers in APAC available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest network of vetted talent. Our Silicon Valley-caliber vetting process ensure you hire .NET developers and experts in APAC that you can trust.

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Hire Freelance .NET Developers in APAC
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Why hire .NET engineers in APAC with Arc?

Recruit better talent in APAC

Curated talent you can trust

Meet .NET developers with verified technical and communication skills who are ready to interview.

Trusted global talent pool

Trusted global talent pool

Hire .NET developers in APAC who have been thoroughly vetted.

Hire 4x faster in APAC

Hire 4x faster

Hire a .NET developer in 72 hours for freelance contracts and 14 days for full-time employment.

Top senior .NET developers for hire in APAC

Want to expand your .NET development team in APAC? Here are some of our top full-time and freelance .NET developers in APAC for you to browse, interview, and hire.

Matt P - .NET developer in APAC
Brisbane,ย Australia

As a seasoned Senior Engineer with 15 years of diverse industry and technology experience, I bring a wealth of knowledge to any team. With expert level C++ as well as .NET in C#, my skillset also extends to the front-end with React/Redux proficiency. I am now seeking my next challenge, where I can leverage my technical dexterity to drive impactful results.

Vijay M - .NET developer in APAC
Pune,ย India

A technical hands-on professional software engineer intent on realizing solutions which wow the customer and engineers alike. Passion for quality I practice and preach TDD, help teams and lead by example. More than a decade of experience in using multiple technologies, developing and testing cross-platforms solutions.

Jonel C - .NET developer in APAC
San Pablo City,ย Philippines

I am a **Software Engineer** specializing in backend development using **.NET Core** and leveraging **cloud services**. With expertise in **Cloud architecture** and **DevOps practices**, I design, develop, and deploy scalable applications. My experience spans **finance, IoT**, **cloud migration,** and the likes. I mostly excel in **Azure Cloud** as I had the longest experience with it, crafting efficient **REST APIs** using **ASP.NET Core, Azure Functions, Azure Service Bus,** and other services that meets any requirements. I prioritize quality with **unit tests** and **automated deployment pipelines** and I have always followed standard coding practices with OOP. My skills extend to **AWS, Google Cloud,** and **Azure**, utilizing **Azure DevOps**, **Azure Data Explorer**, and **Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)**. I collaborate effectively, mentor junior developers, and aspire to advance in **Cloud Architecture** and leadership roles. I'm ready to contribute to projects requiring robust **backend/frontend development** and **cloud integration**. Let's create innovative solutions together.

It's Easy to Hire Top .NET Developers in APAC With Arc

It's Easy to Hire Top .NET Developers in APAC With Arc

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Arc talent
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Arc .NET developers

Arc developers around the world

Ready to start hiring?

Skilled remote developers are just a few clicks away

To put together a strong development team in APAC, you may want to hire .NET engineers with a variety of skills and expertise. You can hire .NET developers skilled in any programming language, framework, and technologies on Arc.

Looking to hire .NET developers near you?

Arc has a large talent pool worldwide, spanning diverse countries and technologies. Hire .NET developers near you or in your preferred location and time zone.

Hire the best developers in APAC with Arc

Arc has a large talent pool worldwide, spanning 190 countries and over 170 technologies.
Hire top 2% full-time and freelance developers in APAC to assist your engineering team and deliver your projects today.

Your future .NET developer is
just around the corner!

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