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Software Developers
in Croatia

Arc helps you hire top Software developers for freelance and full-time jobs in Croatia. With 350,000+ software vetted programmers in Croatia available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest network of vetted talent. Our Silicon Valley-caliber vetting process ensure you hire Software developers and experts in Croatia that you can trust.

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Top senior Software developers for hire in Croatia

Want to expand your Software development team in Croatia? Here are some of our top full-time and freelance Software developers in Croatia for you to browse, interview, and hire.

Ivan T. - Software developer in Croatia
Digital Entrepreneur | Crypto ICO Blockchain SME | Growth Marketer | Ruby, Javascript, Python, Golang and Java Consultant | Investor

I am a geek, visionary, startup enthusiast, occasional tech blogger, software developer & entrepreneur and most of all a salesman. I am simply uninterested in mediocrity. I don’t settle for average. People say I have a mind that is always running--I'm just that guy who's guilty of staying up all night thinking about how I can be truly exceptional at what I do. You might call this a truly positive or competitive spirit, but I call it passion. I have cofounded that received +$1 million funding. I do web application (ruby on rails, padrino, lotus, javascript, haml, sass, css, twitter bootstrap, backbone.js, angular.js, sails.js, loopback, MEAN stack, ember.js, d3, react, ionic, cordova, phonegap, jquery, sinatra, less, bdd, spec, cucumber, tdd), mobile devices (objective-c, swift, iPhone, iPad, android, blackberry), SAP Mobile Platform, big data (hbase, hadoop, elastic search, opentsdb), dbs (mysql, sqlite, postgresql, sql server, mongodb, couchdb, memcached, cassandra, redis), fintech, startup, quant, clojurescript, typescript, go (revel), Scala (Play framework, Lift, Scalatra), facebook, twitter, java (grails), Erlang (Elixir), etherium, dapps, bitcoin, cryptocurrency, blockchain, EOS - customer development - business development - project and product management - hybrid mobile applications Cordova PhoneGap ionic - iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Apple Watch application - Android application Business: customer development, biz dev, product development, social marketing, scrum, agile, saas Finance: Portfolio Management, Quant Research, Statistical and Latency Arbitrage, Algo Strategies, Systematic and CTA Research, Quant Development, Portfolio Pricing and Valuation, Machine Learning Algo Trading, HFT, Implementing mathematical models for products and business processes. Cloud services: Firebase, Deployd, Socket.io, Parse, Salesforce, Heroku, Amazon AWS, Tesseract, Tridion, Keen.io, Pubnub, RethinkDB, neo4j, twilio, other skills: Fortran, Cobol, Lisp, C++, AI, kdb+, financial tools, product design, UX and UI design, Unix

Ivan K. - Software developer in Croatia
Software Development Contractor
5.00 / 5.0
Velika Gorica, Croatia

I'm a passionate software developer always looking for new challenges. I have the guidelines in my life. 1. It's not a shame not to know something, but not wanting to learn. 2. Knowledge is useless if not shared 3. Always prioritize quality, but be reasonable

Bruno Å . - Software developer in Croatia
Blockchain developer and educator. Ex-web dev. Owner at bitfalls.com and coinvendor.io, technical writer at SitePoint.com. Privacy viking at https://haveibeensold.app
5.00 / 5.0
Rijeka, Croatia

For 10+ years, I was a web developer. What started out as Flash / Actionscript transitioned to full blown enterprise PHP and JavaScript and some machine learning and AI while working for Diffbot.com. That was until I noticed blockchain technology and completely switched over. I quit my full time job and dove into a 1 year learning-only spree. 4 years later, I am a blockchain and Solidity expert, producing and auditing smart contracts daily, writing dapps, speaking at conferences about blockchain's technical and regulatory updates, and writing technical tutorials at top rated sites like Bitfalls.com and SitePoint.com. The video attached is one such conference - the Blockchain Innovation Conference in Utrecht, NL. I am driven by the decentralized and censorship free promise of the web of tomorrow. It's the reclaiming of the internet that most excites me in the blockchain era, and I enjoy every moment I spend researching the ecosystem and coming up with new long term solutions for true digital freedom. In my opinion, the "currency" or this "cryptocurrency" fad is secondary in all this.

It's Easy to Hire Top Software Developers in Croatia With Arc

It's Easy to Hire Top Software Developers in Croatia With Arc

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