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Arc helps you hire top Software developers for freelance and full-time jobs in South Africa. With 350,000+ software vetted programmers in South Africa available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest network of vetted talent. Our Silicon Valley-caliber vetting process ensure you hire Software developers and experts in South Africa that you can trust.

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Top senior Software developers for hire in South Africa

Want to expand your Software development team in South Africa? Here are some of our top full-time and freelance Software developers in South Africa for you to browse, interview, and hire.

Gerhard G - Software developer in South Africa
Pretoria,ย South Africa

I started programming at the age of 9, exploring languages such as BASIC, Pascal, C, assembler, and Java during my high school years. I began my first job in a professional programming role at a call center at the age of 18. Over time, I collaborated with a small team to design, implement, and maintain a range of software applications, primarily focusing on case management systems. Following this, I joined a credit bureau from December 2010 to June 2011, where I played a pivotal role in implementing credit bureau software for Ethiopia as part of a World Bank project. Subsequently, I joined a FinTech company from July 2011 to March 2014, concurrently establishing a microloans provider in Mauritius, operational in Kenya, with the same group of collaborators (refer to [https://onemoja.com](https://onemoja.com/)). From March 2014 to April 2016, I contributed to a tech company specializing in developing a Domain-Specific Language (DSL). Notably, I designed and implemented the AitaHealth project (refer to [https://www.vodacombusiness.co.za/business/solutions/internet-of-things/aitahealth](https://www.vodacombusiness.co.za/business/solutions/internet-of-things/aitahealth)). At the age of 30 in 2016, I made the decision to pursue my entrepreneurial path.

Vincent C - Software developer in South Africa
Lead Apple Developer
Johannesburg,ย South Africa

Senior macOS software enginner with over 20 years experience in developing beautiful, optimised and cost effective macOS applications, Writing code for all Apple platforms but particularly macOS is my passion in life, it's why I get ip in the morning. I belive form and function are equally import which is why I design and build beautiful apps that provide enterprises and individuals with the functionaity they need in a fun and easy to use way.

Eugene D - Software developer in South Africa
Durban,ย South Africa

I am an experienced technical leader focusing on enabling teams to create products customers love. I have deep technical skills across a broad set of technologies and languages, the ability to communicate complex technical topics to a variety of stakeholders and an unexpected love of leading and empowering technical, data, product and design teams. As a seasoned professional in the tech industry, I have come to understand that investing in the right people and processes is essential for achieving success. I firmly believe that enabling teams to fully comprehend the underlying reasons for a customerโ€™s problem and by fostering an environment of collaboration and removing the fear of failure, we can effectively address and solve these issues, leading to delightful customer experiences. In my experience, creating a culture of continuous technical learning is a key factor in driving innovation and delivering real business value. I strongly believe that a happy, empowered, and accountable team is the cornerstone of any successful technical operation. I hold a strong belief that technology should be viewed as a tool rather than an end in itself. It is crucial that every technical solution implemented is tailored to effectively address the specific customer and business challenges at hand, while also remaining adaptable to the ever-evolving technological landscape. As a skilled generalist, I possess the ability to apply innovative technical problem-solving skills to a diverse range of business challenges in a calm, methodical manner - irrespective of the scale of the task. I thrive on tackling complex problems, and am driven to make a meaningful contribution to society. Looking back, I hope to see that my work has had a positive impact, and that the solutions Iโ€™ve helped to create have made a tangible difference in peopleโ€™s lives. Operational Stack: Product Management, SCRUM, KANBAN, KPIs/OKRs, DISC personality profiles. TDD, BDD, DDD, BPMN, CI/CD, GitLab, DevOps. Jira, Confluence, Adobe XD, Figma, User Journey Mapping. Tech Stack: AWS, Azure, Linux, Docker, Kubernetes, Serverless, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, Grafana, Prometheus, ELK, KeyCloak, GraphQL, TypeScript, JavaScript, React, React Native, Next.JS, Rush.JS, TailwindCSS, UnoCSS, Webpack, Vite, Jest. PostgreSQL, MongoDB, AWS-S3, AWS\_Lambda, AWS-EKS, AWS-EC2, AWS-CloudFront, AWS-DynamoDB. Google Ad Words, Kevel Ad Platform. Data Stack: R, TidyVerse, Airbyte, AWS-S3 AWS-DataLake, AWS-Athena, AWS-Glue, Apache Superset, PowerBI, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Machine Learning, Applied AI

It's Easy to Hire Top Software Developers in South Africa With Arc

It's Easy to Hire Top Software Developers in South Africa With Arc

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