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Arc helps you hire top Software developers for freelance and full-time jobs in New York. With 350,000+ software vetted programmers in New York available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest network of vetted talent. Our Silicon Valley-caliber vetting process ensure you hire Software developers and experts in New York that you can trust.

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Top senior Software developers for hire in New York

Want to expand your Software development team in New York? Here are some of our top full-time and freelance Software developers in New York for you to browse, interview, and hire.

Usama I - Software developer in New York

Professional Dot Net developer with over 11 years of extensive hands on experience in the field of software development and project management. I am active-minded, optimistic, and a perfectionist. • Professionally speaking, I have worked in companies spanning from small-tomidsize startups to large companies. • Worked in industries of SAP BYD Integration, D365 Integration CE, Shopify Integration, Money transfers, HR and E commerce Systems. • Having extensive experience in developing the application from the scratch, I have been responsible for the conception, coding, audit, testing, implementation and technical support of new and existing [systems.](http://systems.sj/) **Skills** **C#,[ASP.Net](http://asp.net/), [VB.NET](http://vb.net/)** in desktop applications and **Web Application** · **Depth Knowledge in [ASP.NET](http://asp.net/) Web Forms and MVC.** · **Dot Net Core.** · **Clean Architecture, Madiator Pattern** · **Integration Developer** · **Learned the React JS** · **Blazor Server App.** · **SQL Server and MS Access** as Backend (DBMS) Tools · **Entity Frame Work , ADO** and **[ADO.NET](http://ado.net/)** as data access technologies · Developed the Custom **Data Saving Feature** Same like **Entity FrameWork** using the **[Ado.Net](http://ado.net/) Technology** (Insert and Update Feature). · **Crystal Reports** for Reporting · **Complete MS Office Tools Skills** · **Web Services and Window Services** · **Jquery, JavaScript, JSON** * Worked on the Microservices architecture · **RestFull API’S** · Integration Testing **using the POSTMAN** · Practiced the **Agile Methodologies, Agile and Scrum with over 4 Years of experience.** · **Selenium Automation** · **Worked on different UI Automation, and Unit Testing using the C# code** · **Over 3 years of experience in QA.** · **CSS** · **Soap Web Services** · **Have a vast Experience as a backend Developer and middleware developer.** · **Vast experience in Telerik and Infragistics Controls.** · Hosted the applications and DataBases on Microsoft AZURE and used the Feature of Microsoft Azure · Integrated the **SAP** **WebServices**

Yad K - Software developer in New York

I'm an applied researcher in machine learning and founder of a research institute where I teach related subjects to ML and build heavy ML powered products. chronological: Applied research endeavors have been around natural language processing and reinforcement learning. I have worked as head of machine learning at several startups with consumer facing products. Background in computer science with concentration in web and networking. Previously, I have built a online school and streaming service such as DraperTV, I have contributed to a dozen of python packages and ruby gems. I like working with teams that have diverse set of skills. Harder challenges are usually starting point for learning something new, which gets me excited about all sorts of topics to build or teach on.

Zeinab H - Software developer in New York
New YorkIran

I'm a back-end web developer with experience building websites and web applications. I have a master's degree in information technology, in the secure computing field, and I'm interested in learning about security, cryptography, programming, and new technologies. With more than 7 years of industrial development experience, I have worked on various projects. One of my top skills is Typescript, and I have professional experience with Express.js and NestJS. In addition, I have experience developing websites using NodeJS, JavaScript, C#, etc. As part of the deployment of my project, I worked with AWS and Digital Ocean services.

It's Easy to Hire Top Software Developers in New York With Arc

It's Easy to Hire Top Software Developers in New York With Arc

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