Personal details

Ivan T. - Remote software architect

Ivan T.

Timezone: Amsterdam (UTC+2)


I am a geek, visionary, startup enthusiast, occasional tech blogger, software developer & entrepreneur and most of all a salesman.
I am simply uninterested in mediocrity. I don’t settle for average. People say I have a mind that is always running--I'm just that guy who's guilty of staying up all night thinking about how I can be truly exceptional at what I do. You might call this a truly positive or competitive spirit, but I call it passion.
I have cofounded that received +$1 million funding.

I do web application (ruby on rails, padrino, lotus, javascript, haml, sass, css, twitter bootstrap, backbone.js, angular.js, sails.js, loopback, MEAN stack, ember.js, d3, react, ionic, cordova, phonegap, jquery, sinatra, less, bdd, spec, cucumber, tdd), mobile devices (objective-c, swift, iPhone, iPad, android, blackberry), SAP Mobile Platform, big data (hbase, hadoop, elastic search, opentsdb), dbs (mysql, sqlite, postgresql, sql server, mongodb, couchdb, memcached, cassandra, redis), fintech, startup, quant, clojurescript, typescript, go (revel), Scala (Play framework, Lift, Scalatra), facebook, twitter, java (grails), Erlang (Elixir), etherium, dapps, bitcoin, cryptocurrency, blockchain, EOS

  • customer development
  • business development
  • project and product management
  • hybrid mobile applications Cordova PhoneGap ionic
  • iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Apple Watch application
  • Android application

Business: customer development, biz dev, product development, social marketing, scrum, agile, saas

Finance: Portfolio Management, Quant Research, Statistical and Latency Arbitrage, Algo Strategies, Systematic and CTA Research, Quant Development, Portfolio Pricing and Valuation, Machine Learning Algo Trading, HFT, Implementing mathematical models for products and business processes.

Cloud services: Firebase, Deployd,, Parse, Salesforce, Heroku, Amazon AWS, Tesseract, Tridion,, Pubnub, RethinkDB, neo4j, twilio,

other skills: Fortran, Cobol, Lisp, C++, AI, kdb+, financial tools, product design, UX and UI design, Unix

Work Experience

CEO & Founder
Blaeg | Jan 2008 - Present
Ruby on Rails
Technology and Business Development Consultant - customer development - business development - project and product management - social media marketing - UX & UI design - software architecture - interactive web applications (ruby on rails, javascript) - secure enterprise applications - mobile web applications - iOS (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad) applications - Android applications
Chief Architect
SD Squared | Jan 2016 - Jun 2018
Ruby on Rails
AI (artificial intelligence)
With an ambitious goal to disrupt an ever growing, cloud computing market valued at upwards of $234 billion, SD Squared is pioneering the way forward towards centralizing the entire Devops revenue cycle through its AI Driven flagship platforms, & Call it EaaS (Engineer-as-a-Service) or everyone's personal engineering team, with a patent pending platform, addresses an engineering outsourcing market that is broken, ad-hoc and expensive by leveraging AI to offer the industries first platform driven outsourcing solution. Designed to help the 'dreamers', early stage startups/tech founders as well as established organizations looking to supplement their existing dev projects, promises transparency, faster development with AI writing up to 60% of code and efficiency in delivering projects. Centralizing your cloud automation, monitoring & financial control as well as deployment migration, is addressing the number one question that keeps most CTO's up at night; how on earth do I gain greater visibility and control into my growing cloud spend? With partnerships with AWS and Azure as well as the industries first 'Pre-paid Cloud Wallet', ensures that you will NEVER overspend on cloud computing. Save 10% or more on your monthly AWS bill at the click of a button, at no cost to you! Heading SD Squared' technological advancement for supporting internal products and architecting solutions that involve complex processes like Machine Learning, AI, and other advanced technologies. Involved in global offices in Gurgaon & Noida, India; San Fransisco, US and London, UK with focus on Talent Management, Finance and Engineering.

Personal Projects

Ruby on Rails