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Valerie K, freelance NIST Standards programmer
Valerie K
NIST Standards developer
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Searching for an Information system auditor position in a growth-oriented Organization. Bringing enhanced analytical skills to navigate complex challenges, whether working independently or collaboratively. As a team player, valuing diverse perspectives and contributing constructively, with communication skills facilitating transparent information exchange, which is crucial for achieving organizational goals. Approaching work with adaptability, a commitment to continuous learning, and a positive mindset. Proactive problem-solving and attention to detail ensure tasks are completed with precision and excellence. Hoping to contribute to team success and to continuously refine my skillset for professional growth. In a high-pressure project meeting, analyzing evidence procured during assessments to identify key trends, showcasing your analytical skills. Then collaborating seamlessly with team members, delegating tasks effectively and inspiring them towards a shared goal, demonstrating exceptional teamwork and leadership. Through clear and concise communication, you articulate actionable strategies to resolve issues, showcasing your problem-solving skills and ensuring project success.

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Josef F, NIST Standards developer for hire
Josef F
NIST Standards developer
United States
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I am an autodidactic software engineer who loves solving technical problems. I have been a professional software engineer since 1996, primarily focused on web application development and command line utilities. I rarely encounter a technical problem for which I cannot find a path forward to resolving or at least mitigating. I work best with at least a four-hour block of uninterrupted time each day. I often work in bursts of extreme productivity, flanked by time spent mulling the best practices to instantiate a solution for a given problem.

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Jesse P, NIST Standards developer for hire
Jesse P
NIST Standards developer
United States
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Experienced Software Engineer with practical knowledge of DevOps. Skilled in the design and development of scalable and secure solutions. Passionate about mentorship with three years experience teaching Full Stack development. Areas of expertise are Ruby on Rails, SDLC, testing, and functional programming.

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Vishal C, freelance NIST Standards developer
Vishal C
NIST Standards developer
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CISSP certified Information Security Professional with about 7 years of experience in Governance, Risk and Compliance domain. Having worked on ISO 27001, SOC2 and NIST frameworks, I have also developed Security Awareness Campaigns and planned several phishing simulations to mitigate the human side of risk. Moreover, I am quite agile with learning new technologies as right now I am researching on the security of and from AI/ML based models. Let's connect to discuss more.

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Qiong M, NIST Standards developer for hire
Qiong M
NIST Standards developer
United States
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US Citizen | Bachelor | Open to Relocate | $200K+

I am a senior software engineer, and ex-Googler, with a proven track record of making significant and self-directed contributions to challenging and complex large-scale enterprise backend API services and infrastructure components. This journey has equipped me with versatile skills in full-stack development, cloud computing, CI/CD pipeline configuration, infrastructure automation, identify/access managment, SSL/TLS Security, implementing monitoring solutions, handling log analysis, system administration, network automation and more. I am passionate about coding and highly proficient in Python and OOP programming, with a solid understanding of algorithms and data structures. Additionally, I have practical experience in architecture and system design. Pleasure to collaborate with, and work alongside skilled and professional peers. Cheers! **The truth may not always be pleasant, but it is still preferable than lies almost at all times.** **I haven't had any job offers in a year since my last job. After being scammed/fakely interviewed at least 2-3 time a week for almost a year, my pain starts to become anger, I simply want to spew out all of the reasons why I still haven't landed a job?! It's not all about competitions!** **These are the main causes. There are horrible horrible folks in these organizations below(Even the officers from my unemployment agency frowned on their lying). They should be held accountable for rigging the job market, committing fraud, bullying employees, racism, corrupting competitions/interviews and creating a toxic workplace/culture...** **The worst of all is they have an ability to fire/lay off people as they please. There are no equal opportunity, no performance-based metrics/methods, and even if they exist, they can easily change your performance by working with their favorite teams to give you a difficult time at work by denying you the resources/access you need to execute your job, as well as cutting off information sharing and collaboration. That was exactly what happened to me at JPMC. My performance has dramatically changed in a short period of time. I was like a goose chaser chasing teammates from oversea teams for weeks/months for the access/resources I needed to finish my tasks. My manager was attempting to help me as he noticed the issue but before he can resolve it. He became preoccupied with a soon-to-be toxic new work environment as a group of people, including a product manager, a product owner, an architect, tech leads (at least 3-4, and leads were continually replacing or promoting due to conflicts and disagreements.), 2-3 agility leads and 3 or more junior developers/interns, were abruptly added to our team. So I gave up and wanted to be transfered to a different team. I applied internal jobs and had multiple interviews with a few teams, and they all seemed to want me, but it all ended at HR. As they mentioned, I was not yet at the one-year employment mark and need my manager's approval. So I wrote a request to HR and tried to get my manager's approval. Not only did HR not handle my request, but they also somehow created a conflict between me and my manager. I had no issue with my manager. My manager is a good manager. He treated everyone equally with respect and recognized my performance when I addressed a critical project issue and rewarded me with a raise. The reason I wanted to move to another team is definitly not because of him. I never complained about my manager, and I still thanked him when I left. I felt sorry for both him and my original teammates. Somehow, I felt that the mess started because of me. I somehow gave drama queens opportunities to make a drama. After months of working in a toxic environment, I couldn't take it any longer and went on leave. Then I got all the negative stuff an employee could possibly get from the HR(As I recall, the written warning prevented me from taking offers from other teams). Not only was I unable to accept offers from other teams after reaching my one-year mark, but the manager was forced to lay me off and let go other original team contributors later after the new project was cancelled.** **Original team members(5 of us), including myself, are required to put down all of our responsibilities/tasks for developing and maintaining/fixing the current project, which had been ongoing for over 5 years (and they surely can't abandon the project, since many teams were using our project to manage and deploy their SSL certificates. I'm not sure what they did with the project, but it was presumably given to another team) and begin working on the tasks assigned to us by numerous leads, architech, product manager, and product owner. It was a mess! I've never seen a team structured like that at anywhere I worked. Within a couple of months, the project was canceled without even a complete architectual diagram. Everyone that includes me was either transferred to another team, or joined another company after being laid off for no reason.** **How do teams become HR's favorite teams? Because many teams are made up of low-wage foreign workers who are most likely on employer-sponsored visas or work from oversea. As a result, they are unable to negotiate their salary and must agree with whatever HR requires, even if those requirements are unethical, illicit, or even illegal.** **That is why foreign workers are the HR department's preferred candidates, especially for senior management/lead positions. It's not just that they can be easily exploited, they're also "loyal" to HR. Note, I'm not saying all foreign workers are awful! They are also victims of HR if it is a bad HR as I have described.** **Mow your lawn, HR drama queens need to go:** **Fire or lay them off, so that professinonal workers can return to work! Because they will never change their behaviors.They have practiced numerous methods to ruin employees, teams, eventually departments/companies, and they have also formed their own network to do so, both inside or outside the company. When they spread out like weeds, the situation gets worse, and all the shit ways of treating people/making drama are handed down. The weeds' roots must be removed to stop them.** **Get rid of the top 10+ drama queens at HR, and you will notice a significant improvement in the poor culture and work force, I promise!** **Hopefully, all of these nightmares will come to an end and we will be able to return to work.** \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* **FAANG Interviews** \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* The overall coding interview duration is 45 minutes, however at least 5 minutes must be spent before the interview questions and 5 minutes afterward for the candidate to ask questions. So the actual coding time is 35 minutes or less, depending on how your luck goes. Correct me if I'm wrong. The candidate will have a maximum of 17 minutes and 30 seconds to finish the questions only if the introduction and post questions take no more than 10 minutes. I timed myself to just type out an optimal solution for a medium level question without thinking and without making any mistakes. It takes me about 5 minutes, but if the question is partly written, the candidate is more likely have to ask the interviewer to elaborate and clarify it, which could add at least a few minutes. Let's assume 3 minutes is the minimum; if the interviewer asks you to describe your thoughts and solution while you're coding, that's at least another 3 minutes talk. So this means you have a maximum of 6 minutes to think about your solution, this also includes reviewing any errors you made after you write your solution. Forget about processing from brutal force to best solution. Just write down the best solution as fast as you can. If your interview situation is as mentioned above, or even better (they will need to bend a rule for you), and you have excellent coding abilities, you should be able to come up with the best solution, write it down, review it, and debug it in 11 minutes or less, You might get your dream job with a great salary. However, if you look carefully, you'll notice that many aspects are outside your control, and they have a significant impact on whether you win or lose. It's like winning the lottery: more than half of your chances depend on luck and how much they like you. Here's why: 1\. The introductory talk could be longer or shorter. It's not up to you. 2\. Each solution for each question could more/less than 5 minutes of typing without thinking and making any mistakes.Medium-level Leetcode problems may be appropriate, but tbh I doubt answers for most hard leetcode problems require less than 5 minutes of typing. What questions you get depends on your luck. I mean, if the solutions to two questions take more than 10 minutes of typing, you're practically out of luck, it's difficult to finish on time by anyone. 3\. If questions are half written down without even a few samples of input and output, you'll need time to ask for all the details. Add that to your luck. 4.There isn't time to explain the solution to the interviewer. If you get the correct answer and have to explain it to the interviewer and walk through it before you can solve the next problem, you won't have time to solve the following one. Take a look at the time of actions listed above and calculate it yourself. You might be out of luck! 5\. Hopefully, you have an intervewer who is articulate and speaks at a good pace , getting straight to the point without misunderstanding you. Misunderstanding each other in a heated moment like this might freeze or fry your brain. Good luck! : ) Do the interviews with FAANG if : \* You want to beat your ego \* I used to work at Google. The first thing I heard from the tech lead was that they didn't care about algorithms or data structures. They forgot about it after they left school. I also confirmed this with my FAANG interviewers. Their projects do not make extensive use of the algo/data structures for which you are being tested. Do not get me wrong. Set aside algo/data structures, it's an useful test for your coding skills, as being able to code out the problem in almost unreasonable amount of time requires excellent coding skills. If you pass it, you may have better coding skills than many other engineers in other companies that are less demanding in the coding interview. Because, if you pass, you may have set a new benchmark. Yay! I have interviewed for L4/SDEIII at Google, Principal at Amazon and E6 Meta. The interview with Meta the second time was awful and extremely unprofessional. They lied to me. I had an interview with them three months ago and have yet to pass the waiting period. A recruiter contacted me, asking if I wanted to be interviewed again. I told her on the phone that I had an interview three months ago and was still waiting. She mentioned that the interviewer was impressed with my performance in the last interview, so they wanted to give me another chance. I accepted the invitation and postponed everything I was doing for weeks, including moving, applying for other jobs, in order to focus solely on studying for the interview, and even had a mock interview with them.(The mock interivew was fantastic. As with my previous interview three months ago, the interviewer for the mock interview was incredibly experienced and knowledgeable. I learned a lot about the coding interview for this round.) Then a few days before the interview, they told me I'm not illegible after I told them I would like to apply to a L5/E5 that could make it easier for me to pass the interview.Because I was tested twice during their interviews, I was able to solve at least one problem; unlike L6/E6, L5/E5 may only have one or two to solve. If the interviewer asks less questions after I have given the correct answer, and I explain my optimal solution to the first problem more quickly, as well as walk through it quickly(you are not supposed to run the code to test it), I might have enough time to complete the second problem if I can solve it. It seemed they didn't want to give me a chance to pass. That is why they didn't place me on a appropriate level in the first place, and why they changed their minds and made my status illegible again when I informed them that I wanted to apply to L5/E5. They seemed to want me to choose either complete the harder one L6/E6 or wait 9 months to apply for a low-paying job that I am unlikely to be interested in. Because I chose to apply L5/E5, I lost the opportunity to be interviewed now. Another thing to keep in mind is that they will request you to rate their recruiting process at the beginning, not at the end of the process and the rating form will expire even before your schedule your mock interview. Of course, every candidate will most likely give them a positive rating because the opportunity was provided. So did I. However, to me it turned out to be a complete waste of my time and money, which deserves zero star. Honestly, I felt like being scammed in some way and I probaby won't recommend to anyone to apply. I'm not sure about Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, or Nvidia because I never received an interview invitation regardless of the level of SDE I applied for. lol. I feel burned out, and I honestly don't believe I'm their preferred person to hire. If they wanted to recruit me, they would have discussed a suitable position and compensation. The pay I sought for is far from their top tier, but rather around L4/5 for someone with strong coding abilities and 10+ years of IT experience. It is not unreasonable, but unfornately it has never worked out with any of their FTE positions. \* They like you for some reason(most important), not your skills/experience \* I hate to say this, but I bet it's true. HR has a significant impact on the coding interview process. Because, as discussed above, the quality of your interviewer (speed, clarity, variety of questions, etc.) is critical to your success. The problem is that if your HR coordinator can choose which interviewer to interview you, obviously they can influence the outcome of the interview. The HR process is designed to facilitate the interview process but not to make business decisions or affect on the outcome of the interviews. Similarly to how the interview questions must be carefully chosen, pre-approved, and confidential until the interview time arrives, the interviewer should be treated in the same way to ensure the process is not biased and modified away from the design. By automating the process with automated tools, it is possible that HR will not need to know the name of the interviewer and interviewee while requesting, arranging interviews and passing on the feedback. Scams exist because of ambiguous and confusing rules/process. Perhaps by doing so, businesses will be able to effectively prevent frauds, bias, and corrupted interivews inside the fuzzy hiring process in the labor market, as well as tear down the wall formed by the flawed HR procedure. I believe there are many talented and skilled people in our countries, and our companies simply need to reform/improve the current hiring process to provide fair opportunities for all and save the labor market from being destroyed by favoritism, unfair competition, and a corrupted/manipulated hiring process. FAANG jobs often do not involve considerable understanding of algorithms/data or Leetcode problem solving techniques. You are studying a different skill set only for the sake of passing the interview. If you pass, you could get the job if they like you. If you don't, they can hire someone else who did not pass the interview to do the same job. This gives an excuse not to hire someone with exceptional coding abilities who might fail the exam due to a lack of "the luck" discussed above, but they can still hire those with none or very limited knowledge of algorithms/data structures who doesn't have exceptional coding abilities as required in the interview and will almost certainly fail the coding test or workers of any quality to do the job through various types of hiring, as long as they are on the fav list/hiring agenda. However, the quality of the code could make a significant difference. That's where most bugs originate from. Because of faulty logic/design/architecture/configeration, the code frequently needs to be rewritten entirely, and the impact could be massive if the code is released and used elsewhere. Not to mention the security flaws/vulnerabilities that bugs produce. \* You can afford expensive Lottery tickets \* If you are young, time and money aren't a major concern. Then find FAANG companies that like you and can offer you a fair opportunity in the long interview process, then it can be worth spending months/years to study something you will not use much at work and look for a result. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\***JPMC Interviews**\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* **HR == Don't forget the Drama Queen!** I'm wondering if HR selects my resume and then sends it to the teams they choose for me, or if teams receive my resume as soon as I apply? While the latter option would be better, it appears that the first choice. Because that is what happened below. I've also noticed that the interviewers for all of the teams I've interviewed with are all Indians and oddly my interviews with non-Indian interviewers were all canceled due to unknown reasons. Someone appears to be creating drama by putting me on the interviews with hiring managers who show little interest in me during the interview or having me interview with someone who is hostile/crazy thus creating drama between me and Indians. March, 2024 I've been interivewed for a month with almost 10 teams. Here we go: I'm curious why they keep removing job postings where I'd be a good fit soon after I applied but put me in interviews for jobs that aren't even in my typical stack or canceled the job without explanation after the resume was evaluated, offer was discussed and interviews was scheduled, and why they are delaying hiring process while quickly filling positions where I'd be a good fit and the hiring teams are very interested in interviewing me. They removed many job postings I applied but didn't update my status. Strangely, those removed job postings are still in my active job application list with the status of "Under Review" on their site, but when I click on them, I get a page saying that the position is no longer available. If you do not want me to apply for your jobs, then do not interfere with my interviews/job search/networking and don't ever touch my linkedin again(Tell your partner to recover my linkedin account or let me create a new one) It's difficult to tell what the job is from their generic job postings. Not to mention what the requirements are. Got rejected from the interviews were not technical nor professional. I received an illegal question, such as "where I was born". Dang! \[ I've lived in the states for nearly as long as I've lived in my birthplace. America is my second home and my country, where I received my advanced education—the best education of my life. It seems I became a citizen a long time ago, and I don't recall all of the oaths in the ceremony, but I do remember some words: "Our traditions are your traditions." "Your traditions are ours..." One of the most important traditions I learnt here that I will never forget is "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness". It has become a tradition for me since I first learnt it, and it will continue to be so for as long as I live, despite the fact that I have to fight my way to keep them from being destroyed by either bitches/scrumbags here or outside of the country. Because I love and really believe in the traditions that built this country, which has protected all of us and provided incredible opportunities for all of us, whether born here or arrived here legally, and it is possible to make an amazing life here through hard work and talent but not via theft, scam, bullying, or racism, as long as we continue to honor the traditions. This may not be possible in other countries. That's why we do not want evil individuals, organizations, or governments to take our traditions away from us. \] May 6, 2024: Just had an extremely low-quality ridiculous interview: I was interviewed as a lead with a security engineer manager **Dhira Kaleeswaran** and her technical assistant(Another person will perform the coding interview for her) for her team at Plano, TX. The interviewer blamed me and nearly yelled at me during the interview for not being able to join the Zoom coding session because of technical difficulties(I was able to only join from my phone) and for not knowing that I needed to share my computer screen in order to continue with the interview. When I asked if I could reschedule due to the technical issues and unexpected requirements, she brought the HR interview scheduler on the call to resolve the technical concerns. She seemed very unreasonable/insane, suggesting that I either complete the interview today no mattter what or be removed from consideration. Of course, the HR scheduler had no idea what or how to address the technical issue. Like me, she didn't seem to know what this interview was about or what the prerequisites were for the interview. As a result, the interview couldn't proceed and couldn't be rescheduled, my application was no longer being considered. I only had 30 minutes to meet with the hiring manager, so I never thought about the possibility of a coding session—that wouldn't be appropriate for a professional interview as it'd be way too short if adding an coding session. Even though I was given very short notice via email (an hour or so before the interview) that they might extend the interview to an hour if needed, but I was still not told if I needed to prepare in any manner for screen sharing or for any other reason.  How am I supposed to know what I should do to prepare for the unexpected new interview requirements? In addition, asking candidates to share their screen in order to move forward with the coding interview without providing advance notice is very disrespectful about the candidate's data privacy and security. I have taken numerous professional technical coding interviews, including FAANG, and I have never been asked to share my screen—in fact, I don't even have screen sharing software installed on my computer(and I will not allow anyone complete disk/folder access to my computer remotely without being properly prepared). How is it possible that a security team manager has no concerns about personal data security and privacy? **Clearly, she has no intention of hiring me and rather wanted to embarrass/insult me by assuming she will succeed if I am unprepared.** Another thing to note is that my subsequent rounds of interviews with her supervisors (senior managers and executives) were already scheduled prior to hers. The next round is normally scheduled once you pass the current interview. This indicates that managers, executives, leaders, and engineers at the bank are confident in my abilities, either because they have seen my code (I used to work there and wrote a lot of code) or because they are familiar with me/my code from previous jobs I've had, and I've also been talking at the interviews there over the last month with many other teams. However, it was shocking to me, and probably to them, that the interviewer for this round acted in such an unprofessional and very strange way. I had never met her before and knew nothing about her. There is no need for her to do such things unless she has been told to do so or she is mentally unstable : ( 4/30/2024 - 6/11/24 I believe JPMC has decent recruiters, however the "Drama Queens" mentioned above continue to make it difficult for talented/experienced people to get hired. They were trying so hard, it became exceedingly evident that they were doing awful things they are not supposed to do and should be held accountable for their wrongdoings. Below is what has been going on. There have always been two teams, each with a recruiter reaching out to me one after the other, as if they were competing to hire me. However, one team is serious about hiring me, while the other team is only interested in sabotaging my interview and preventing me from being recruited by the other team. This happened in the exact same way 3 times now. Usually the team looking to hire me has contacted me first, then shortly after completing my recruiter call and awaiting an interview to be scheduled, another recruiter from another team will approach me for a separate position. If I don't respond to the second/fake interview invitation, the fake interview recruiter will pursue me like boys chasing girl, pestering me with emails/cold calling me, and despite the fact that I have not confirmed my interest in the position, she will continue proceed regardless and have the scheduler contact me to inquiry about my availability. This is not a typical/normal behavior for a recruiter? Finally, if I do not succeed in the interview with the first team, the phony interview recruiter will abruptly stop pursuing me, despite the fact that I expressed interest in their job offer, and no interviews will be scheduled. This is definitely not normal! All of this chasing is obviously geared on stopping my interviews with the first team. This happened 3 times in a row in the past month. Unbelievable! I apologize for listing everyone involved in the process, however, sometimes if we want to find out the truth and address the issues, so that more people can be hired and being treated equally and respectfully, we may need to record everything so that we can analyze it and determine what happened and why. If you ever catch "Drama Queen" doing something wrong, they'll claim they didn't know anything and were making foolish mistakes by accident, but why do so many stupid mistakes keep happening?! As a result, those who should be hired are not getting hired. The work that should be done is not being completed. Should businesses continue to pay for repeated foolish mistakes? Should everyone else continue to waste their time and be traumatized as a result of all the nonsense? Or should we change that? Stop the lies/scams and nonsense, and hold the drama queens accountable for their actions. Return to normal working environment and culture! Can someone please help fix the harassing shit? Just fire or isolate the drama queens who have no skills and can do nothing but make drama, harrass people and prevent them from performing their job tasks or being hired to do the job. **How many dirty tricks/interview scams do I have to take? When will this shit end? Why can't these filthy cunts/douches be fired for destroying other people's lives? How many good employees were unjustly fired due of them, and their career was damaged in their corrupt networks(organizations with which they have a partnership or for whom they previously worked. I'm not sure if anyone has worked for JPMC their entire career. Most people have worked at other companies before joining, unless they are interns with no job experience). You'll be surprised at how they collude with one another.** **Over the past three years, I have dealt with trash like this. It's difficult, in my opinion, not to curse at those. I apologized for that! They appear to be non-human, only wanting the worst to happen to people and not giving anyone any break. Anyone could become misanthropic if having to put up with their shit for very long.** \=============== Yet Another Two teams =================== Team 1 reed.mcmickens to me 6:57 AM (13 hours ago) "Hi Qiong, I hope this message finds you well, I have assumed recruitment responsibilities for one of the software engineering roles that you have applied to within the firm. I was instructed to reach out to you to see if you are still available an interested in interviewing for this role. Please let me know when you are available to jump on a call to discuss the role & interview process in further details. Can you confirm the details of your application, will you need sponsorship assistance? Additionally are you open to roles on hybrid basis?" [prowork.dev1010@gmail.com](mailto:prowork.dev1010@gmail.com) to reed.mcmickens 8:16 AM (12 hours ago) Thanks for following up. No, I did not apply any engineer roles but I have applied for Sr.lead/lead/manager roles.  My profile on the JPMC website includes a list of my currently active applications reed.mcmickens to me 8:19 AM (12 hours ago) "Hi, Correct this is a senior security engineering role within the firm. Please let me know if you would like to discuss the role in further detail." devqm [prowork.dev1010@gmail.com](mailto:prowork.dev1010@gmail.com) to reed.mcmickens 8:23 AM (12 hours ago) "I'm not interested. Thank you. Please see my job applications attached and below Qiong Michaels [prowork.dev1010@gmail.com](mailto:prowork.dev1010@gmail.com) \* Active Job Applications ..." reed.mcmickens to me 8:26 AM (12 hours ago) "Hi Qiong, The exact requisition number is - Senior Lead xxxxx You have applied to this role directly." devqm [prowork.dev1010@gmail.com](mailto:prowork.dev1010@gmail.com) to reed.mcmickens 9:02 AM (12 hours ago) "Cool.  I'm available now if you want to jump on a call.  I'm a US citizen.  I don't need any type of work sponsorship." reed.mcmickens to me 8:45 AM (12 hours ago) "Hi Qiong, I attempted to reach out to the number you provided, please give me a call back at 917-834-0911. Best, Reed" 9:02 AM (12 hours ago) devqm [prowork.dev1010@gmail.com](mailto:prowork.dev1010@gmail.com) to reed.mcmickens "Hi Reed, It was nice speaking with you on the phone! Please see my availability below.  Thank you. Wed 06/12 -  Fri 06/14 Best, Qiong" Team 2 Lee, Catherin 11:29 AM (9 hours ago) "Hey Qiong! Hope all is well. I would love to connect and discuss opportunities here at the firm. Please let me know when is the best time for us to connect! Thank you! I look forward to connecting with you! Best regards, CATHERIN LEE | Associate Recruiter for J.P. Morgan Chase & Co." [prowork.dev1010@gmail.com](mailto:prowork.dev1010@gmail.com) to Catherin 2:03 PM (7 hours ago) "Hi there, I already had a recruiter.  Thanks." \=============== Another Two teams =================== Team 1 Contacted by Hima Chundi Thu, May 16, 10:06 PM "Thanks for your response. Let’s have a call tomorrow at 11:00 am PST. I will give you a call. Hope that works. Thanks Hima Hima Chundi| She/Her/Hers| Corporate" Fri, May 17, 7:53 AM devqm [prowork.dev1010@gmail.com](mailto:prowork.dev1010@gmail.com) to Hima "Looking forward to it. Thank you. Best, Qiong" Had call with Hima on Friday May 17 at 11 am PST I provided my availability on Mon, May 20, 12:13 PM, but for some reason I did not receive the interview confirmation until May 23, Thursday afternoon. Then another interviewer was added at the last minute. After months of bad interview experiences, it's difficult to think the delay isn't due to team2. Because there are repetitive patterns. devqm to to Hima Mon, May 20, 12:13 PM "Hi Hima, That sounds great! Thank you very much. Please see my availability below. 05/22 - 05/24, Wed - Fri, 10AM - 4PM CDT Best, Qiong" devqm [prowork.dev1010@gmail.com](mailto:prowork.dev1010@gmail.com) to Hima Wed, May 22, 11:32 AM "Hi Hima, I haven't received interview invitation yet and wanted to check in with you to see whether those days I provided still work for you? Please let me know Wed, May 22, 11:34 AM Chundi, Hima to me "You will get it soon, thanks for following up." devqm [prowork.dev1010@gmail.com](mailto:prowork.dev1010@gmail.com) to Hima Thu, May 23, 1:16 PM "I still haven't received the interview invitation. It's been a week. Tomorrow is the last day.  Could you please let me know if tomorrow is still possible, or would you prefer to reschedule for next week? Thanks. Best, Qiong" May 23, 2024, 1:18 PM devqm [prowork.dev1010@gmail.com](mailto:prowork.dev1010@gmail.com) to Hima "Just got the invite. Thanks." May 23, 2024, 1:16 PM Soriano, Markjayson F to me, Hima, Vernadette Interview Schedule Date Time Interviewer(s) Requisition Title and Number Videoconference Friday, May 24, 2024 2:00PM – 2:45PM Central Time Gina DiCarlo Vice President Lead Security Engineer Senior Manager of Security Engineering - Employee Compute (210514292) Via Zoom App: 
Enter Meeting ID 976 6483 5823 Passcode: 020524 May 24, 2024, 7:10 AM Soriano, Markjayson F to me, Hima, Vernadette Interview Schedule Date Time Interviewer(s) Requisition Title and Number Videoconference Friday, May 24, 2024 2:00PM – 2:45PM Central Time Gina DiCarlo Vice President Lead Security Engineer Akinola T Akiwowo Vice President Sr Manager of Security Engineering Senior Manager of Security Engineering - Employee Compute (210514292) Via Zoom App: 
Enter Meeting ID 976 6483 5823 Passcode: 020524 On Monday May 20 Team 2 JPMorgan Chase Videoconference Interview Request Mon, May 20, 9:59 AM Khandelwal, Anant to me, Padmasana "Hello, QIONG MICHAELS. We would like to invite you for a **videoconference interview through Zoom** for the Lead Software Engineer! Could you please let me know your availability for 2 weeks as per Eastern Time for a 30 minutes meeting? Also please share your contact number. I will coordinate with the team and be back in touch with you. Please find the JD below- We have an opportunity to impact your career and provide an adventure where you can push the limits of what's possible. As a Lead Software Engineer at JPMorgan Chase within the Corporate Sector's Risk Technology , you are an integral part of an agile team that works to enhance, build, and deliver trusted market-leading technology products in a secure, stable, and scalable way. As a core technical contributor, you are responsible for conducting critical technology solutions across multiple technical areas within various business functions in support of the firm’s business objectives. **Job responsibilities** * Executes creative software solutions, design, development, and technical troubleshooting with ability to think beyond routine or conventional approaches to build solutions or break down technical problems * Develops secure high-quality production code, and reviews and debugs code written by others * Identifies opportunities to eliminate or automate remediation of recurring issues to improve overall operational stability of software applications and systems * Leads evaluation sessions with external vendors, startups, and internal teams to drive outcomes-oriented probing of architectural designs, technical credentials, and applicability for use within existing systems and information architecture * Leads communities of practice across Software Engineering to drive awareness and use of new and leading-edge technologies * Adds to team culture of diversity, equity, inclusion, and respect **Required qualifications, capabilities, and skills** * Formal training or certification on software engineering concepts and 5+ years applied experience with python programming * Hands-on practical experience delivering system design, application development, testing, and operational stability * Advanced in one or more programming language(s) * Proficiency in automation and continuous delivery methods * Proficient in all aspects of the Software Development Life Cycle * Advanced understanding of agile methodologies such as CI/CD, Application Resiliency, and Security * Demonstrated proficiency in software applications and technical processes within a technical discipline (e.g., cloud, artificial intelligence, machine learning, mobile, etc.) * In-depth knowledge of the financial services industry and their IT systems * Practical cloud native experience **Preferred qualifications, capabilities, and skills** * Familiarity with modern front-end technologies * Exposure to cloud technologies​ _Participants are not permitted to make any recording, take screenshots or post any part of this Interview call/Meeting without a prior written consent from JPMorgan._ _We are an inclusive employer committed to maintaining an accessible recruitment process. If you require an_ _accommodation in order to participate in the interview process, complete the application or take an assessment,_ _please let me know what I can do to assist you._ **Thanks & Regards,** **Anant Khandelwal| New Joiner Servicing – Employee Digital & Service Experience** **HR Specialty Svc Spec. IV – Interview Coordinator | JPMorgan Chase & Co.** **Parcel 9, Embassy Tech Village, Outer Ring Road, Deverabeesanhalli Village, Varthur Hobli, Floor 06A** **Bengaluru, IN-KA, 560103, India** \*: email" Mon, May 20, 10:36 AM devqm [prowork.dev1010@gmail.com](mailto:prowork.dev1010@gmail.com) to Anant "Hi Anant, I do not think I have applied for this position yet. I can't find it on my list of active applications. Would you please provide the job ID, location and compensation details? Thank you. Best, Qiong" Mon, May 20, 10:41 AM Khandelwal, Anant to Padmasana, me "Hello, QIONG MICHAELS, JD is mentioned below, rest details, Sana (Recruiter) will be able to share. Thankyou" May 20, 2024, 10:46 AM devqm [prowork.dev1010@gmail.com](mailto:prowork.dev1010@gmail.com) to Anant "Sounds good. I'm available today. Feel free to email or call the number below at any time before 6pm CDT. Best, Qiong xxx.xxx.xxxx (my cell number)" May 20, 2024, 10:50 AM Sarkar, Padmasana to me "Hi QM, You have applied to SWE role with us and the hiring team suggested that you are suitable for the below role, please suggest your interest. Thanks, Sana Sarkar email xxx.xxx.xxxx (cell number)" May 20, 2024, 12:18 PM devqm [prowork.dev1010@gmail.com](mailto:prowork.dev1010@gmail.com)to Padmasana "Hi, This position isn't on my list of active applications. Can you please provide job ID, location and compensation details? Sorry, I can't tell if I'm interested or not without this information. Best, Qiong" May 20, 2024, 1:25 PM Sarkar, Padmasana to me "Sure  Qiong While JD was shared in the below email, please find the link below for all the details requested. [https://jpmc.fa.oraclecloud.com/hcmUI/CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX\_1001/job/210513628/?utm\_medium=jobshare](https://jpmc.fa.oraclecloud.com/hcmUI/CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX_1001/job/210513628/?utm_medium=jobshare) Thanks, Sana Sarkar email xxx.xxx.xxxx (cell number)" May 20, 2024, 2:47 PM devqm [prowork.dev1010@gmail.com](mailto:prowork.dev1010@gmail.com) to Padmasana "Thanks for sharing the details.  The job location is in NJ. At this moment, I have no plans to relocate to NJ, but I'll let you know if anything changes. I appreciate the consideration. Thank you. Best, Qiong" Team 2 - This recruiter for this position was chasing after me for an interview, then disappeared once I didn't move further with team 1, much like it happened in my previous interviews with the other two teams. Mon, May 20, 4:08 PM Ronca, Deborah to me "Good day ! Thank you for your interest in opportunities with JPMC. I have received your resume from the hiring manager for the Sr Manager of Engineer position is Jersey City, NJ Brooklyn, NY. He would like me to speak with you regarding your experience and availability to interview for this position. Please let me know what day and time this week works best for you. [https://jpmc.fa.oraclecloud.com/hcmUI/CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX\_1001/job/210506811/?utm\_medium=jobshare](https://jpmc.fa.oraclecloud.com/hcmUI/CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX_1001/job/210506811/?utm_medium=jobshare) I look forward to speaking with you soon. Regards, Deborah Ronca | Associate Recruiter for J.P. Morgan Chase & Co | Jersey City, New Jersey Tel | email | [techcareers.jpmorgan.com](http://techcareers.jpmorgan.com/)" Tue, May 21, 8:17 AM Lacson, Maria Elaine M to me "JPMorgan Chase Videoconference Interview Request Hello, Qiong. We would like to invite you for a videoconference interview through Zoom for the Senior Manager of Software Engineer - AWS, Cloud Engineering (210506811) post. Could you please let me know your availability (with time zone) for the  next two weeks  for a 45minute meeting? I will coordinate with the team and be back in touch with you. Participants are not permitted to make any recording, take screenshots or post any part of this Interview call/Meeting without a prior written consent from JPMorgan. We are an inclusive employer committed to maintaining an accessible recruitment process. If you require an accommodation in order to participate in the interview process, complete the application or take an assessment, please let me know what I can do to assist you. Thank you, Lei Maria Elaine Meily Lacson| New Joiner Servicing – Employee Digital & Service Experience|HR Specialty Svc Spec. IV – Interview Coordinator | JPMorgan Chase & Co.| 38th Street corner 9th Avenue, Uptown Bonifacio, Floor 08 Taguig City, MANILA, 1634, Philippines | \*Email To explore career opportunities [www.jpmorgan.com/careers](http://www.jpmorgan.com/careers) or ReferralConnect | JPMorgan Chase & Co. JPMorgan Chase is an Equal Opportunity Employer, including Disability/Veterans. " Wed, May 22, 3:03 PM Lacson, Maria Elaine M to Deborah, me "Hi Qiong, Hope all is well. I am reaching out to  follow up on your availability please. Thank you." Fri, May 24, 6:14 AM team 2 Gastelo, Vanessa to me "Hello, My name is Vanessa Gastelo and I am part of the Global Technical Sourcing Team here at JPMorgan Chase.  I came across your profile in our database, and noticed you have applied for some positions within our organization. Are you still open to opportunities? If so, please let me know when would you be available for a call. Lead Python role. If you are interested, please email me directly at  and I will set up a time to talk as soon as possible. Looking forward to connecting. Best Regards, Vanessa Gastelo (she/her/hers) Associate, Global Technical Sourcing Called me on Tuesday Tue, May 28, 7:50 AM devqm [prowork.dev1010@gmail.com](mailto:prowork.dev1010@gmail.com) to Deborah "Hi Deborah, It is nice to talk to you on the phone.  I'm not available this week and will be out of town next week, but will let you know if anything changes.  Thank you. Best, Qiong" May 28, 2024, 8:25 AM Ronca, Deborah to me "Hi Qiong It was nice speaking with you also. Can you tell me when you will be available and if  you’re still interested in this position? Regards, Deborah Ronca | Associate Recruiter for J.P. Morgan Chase & Co | Jersey City, New Jersey" May 28, 2024, 12:59 PM devqm [prowork.dev1010@gmail.com](mailto:prowork.dev1010@gmail.com) to Deborah Hi Deborah, How many interviews? Can it all be done in one day? If so, perhaps I can squeeze in a day this week. Best, Qiong RE: \[EXTERNAL\]Re: JPMC Interview request Sr Manager Software Engineer - AWS, Cloud Engineering Wed, May 29, 5:18 AM (12 days ago) Ronca, Deborah to me There will be more than 1 round. Usually anywhere from 2-3 rounds. Regards, Deborah Ronca | Associate Recruiter for J.P. Morgan Chase & Co | Jersey City, New Jersey devqm [prowork.dev1010@gmail.com](mailto:prowork.dev1010@gmail.com) to Deborah Wed, May 29, 7:26 AM (12 days ago) Thanks for the information. I'll be out of town next week and can't confirm my availability right now, but I'll see if I can squeeze you in if all of the interviews can be completed in one day late next week. Let me know. Best, Qiong Like the previous two teams, as soon as I was rejected from team 1, all of the chasing recruiters from team 2 stopped their pursuit as well, despite the fact that they were recruiting for completely different roles. I was rejected by team1: Chundi, Hima to me May 30, 2024, 9:34 AM "Hi Qiong, Sorry for the delay. Interviewers enjoyed speaking with you but Unfortunately not moving forward with this req. If there is anything else that’s a match for your profile, I will reach out to you. devqm [prowork.dev1010@gmail.com](mailto:prowork.dev1010@gmail.com) to Hima May 30, 2024, 9:51 AM No problem. Thanks for the update. I enjoyed the chat with them as well. The questions are primarily conversational rather than technical." \=============== Two teams =================== Team 1 Contacted by recruiter Joseph Carrion: "Tue, Apr 30, 6:30 AM Good news! JPMorgan Chase reviewed your application for the Lead Security Engineer 210507177 position and it sparked our team’s interest." Jeancamille S, Pingkian scheduled the interview on: 5/6/2024 11:30 AM – 12:00 PM Central Time Iswarya Viswanath Vice President Sr Lead Security Engineer Dhira Kaleeswaran Vice President Lead Security Engineer (210507177) Via Zoom App: 
Enter Meeting ID 976 5649 4853 Passcode: 020524 Had the interview with Dhira Kaleeswaran and another unidentified person(with the web camera turned off). See the details of the interivew above. Team 2 Scheduler Mariaantonietta C Puri contacted me first before recruiter Penny Phongsavath "Hello, Qiong Michaels. We would like to invite you for a videoconference interview through Zoom for the 210513388 - Senior Lead Software Engineer (Data Senior Lead) position! Date Time Interviewer(s) Requisition Title and Number Videoconference Tuesday, May 7, 2024 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM CT Srinivas R Padur Vice President Sr Manager of Software Engineering Senior Lead Software Engineer (Data Senior Lead) (210513388) Via Zoom App: Enter Meeting ID 922 0519 4544 Passcode 020524 I got sick before the interview and wanted to reschedule my interview. I sent the emails below to both the recruiter and schedulers but never heard back. devqm [prowork.dev1010@gmail.com](mailto:prowork.dev1010@gmail.com) to Mariaantonietta, Penny devqm Tue, May 7, 5:21 AM Hi Mariaantonietta C, Penny, I don't think I can make it today. I had a fever last night and don't feel well. Could you reschedule the interview for either late devqm [prowork.dev1010@gmail.com](mailto:prowork.dev1010@gmail.com) to Mariaantonietta, Penny devqm Wed, May 15, 8:29 AM "Hi Mariaantonietta C, Penny, I haven't heard back from you, so I wanted to quickly check in on the interview schedule and see if the manager is available next week. Please let me know. Thank you. Best, Qiong " Wed, May 15, 8:30 AM Emailed Mariaantonietta C and received auto-reply: "Automatic reply: \[EXTERNAL\]Re: JPMorgan Chase Zoom Videoconference Interview Confirmation: Technical Round 1 Hello, Maria Puri is out sick today. Please leverage on the below schedulers for your interview requests/ scheduling concerns. For recruiter(s) Althea E Bowen and Dawn Pieczonka - Please reach out to Bryan Raynes For recruiter(s) Deven Trivedi - Please reach out to CJ Absalon For recruiter(s) Betty Grimes - Please reach out to Geff Baldeo For recruiter(s) Penny Phongsavath and Panadda Sookchit - Please reach out to JD de Lara For recruiter(s) Christopher C McQuoid - Please reach out to Jean Camille Pingkian For recruiter(s) Lorin R Schmitz and Steve Elliott - Please reach out to John Sendico For recruiter(s) Heather Pelaez and Evelyn V Brown - Please reach out to Stef Tumacay" May 15, 2024, 11:01 AM devqm [prowork.dev1010@gmail.com](mailto:prowork.dev1010@gmail.com) to jd.delara "Hi JD, I was trying to contact Maria Puri to reschedule my interview but received her auto-reply, asking me to contact you if the recruiter is Penny Phongsavath. See the email below.  Would you please reschedule my interview for next week if the hiring manager is available? Thank you! Best, Qiong \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\***Genesis 10/Bank of America Review**\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Staffing agency(**Genesis10 == SCAM**) and HR at Bank of America are even worse! Egh... Ever since I left with them, everything has been oddly against me. Many opportunities seem to vanish as quickly as they come. Strangely, no recruiters have gotten in touch with me on LinkedIn since then, despite the fact that I've received emails from recruiters asking for interviews. Shortly after that, my LinkedIn account was deleted for no reason, and I was unable to create a new one using my full name. I have tried this, then the new account was restricted too. I can't get in touch with people on LinkedIn about jobs, and I can't even be found in the search engines, especially in Google. Even though I have been in contact with LinkedIn support for months and have verified with PERSONA multiple times, their support has not yet addressed my concerns, and I am currently still waiting for a response. This has been an endless cycle. I am not inexperienced. In fact, I was a popular candidate before working for them, but after leaving and rejecting their FTE offer, I haven't had an offer in about a year now. I can't see how any other kids just starting out would ever get employed again if they were in the similar situation as me. Those folks appear to have the ability to rig the labor market, restrict you from networking and ruin your career through their HR networks and partnerships. Who wants to work for an agency or organization that not only does not recognize the excellent work you did for them, but also twisted truths slandering you and generating such a tremendous detrimental influence on your career? What kind of folks are they?! How did they establish such a network? Why has no one spoken out against them or even investigated and stopped them from rigging the labor market? Despite the fact that they are undoubtedly there. They can hire a lot of folks to lie for them and conceal the facts/the truth for a while, but no one can erase the facts/the truth from the face of the earth. Because the lies lack logic. There are always logic flaws with lying. Ask the HR at Bank of America how they determined that I had performance concerns, given that my supervisor has no coding abilities and can hardly understand the code I wrote. All of my code was tested by me and released by other teams. Ask the HR at JPMC why my performance changed dramatically in a couple of months from team star with a performance raise(because I addressed the problem that has been puzzled everyone for a year or more) to someone who does not match performance standards at all with a written warning. I've been working hard for years, but all of a sudden I've decided I don't want to work hard any more after I just received some incentive? Ask the HR at Google why my contract was terminated. Is this because I told them that my lead lied and secretly reported me for missing work for six weeks(Never brought up with me), despite the fact that I had just spoken with him and had been having meetings with my project manager and even the HR manager the entire time? I have not mentioned these bad experience I had at work. Not because I'm afraid of them, but because I still appreciated the opportunities I've been given, and despite that, I enjoyed my time in the office working on projects with their teams, but after all that happened, I lost interest in working for them a long time ago. As you may have heard, there's no doubt that those HR departments are far from being good ones. They did not solve any problems but created a lot of drama. They are skilled at creating dramas until all of the people they dislike leave the company. That's why the culture is bad! Maybe nobody cares, but I'll keep nagging them until someone does, or until we all work together to fix this and return rules/orders and services to how they should be. We want our good doctors to return to work or make more money, so that many lives can be saved. We want our good car/plane/ship engineers/mechanics return to work and make more money, so we don't have accidents due to bad designs/engineering. We want our reliable/good banking services back so that our hard-earned savings don't turn into nothing due to inflation and homes don't turn into million-dollar shacks that no one can afford to buy or rebuild. We want our troops back to protect us, not mercenaries who are not even citizens. More importantly, we want the technologies in which we have invested, designed and produced to be in the hands of our engineers, not controlled by or dependent on foreigners in another country or here. God bless America and the people who make freedom a reality! [669-900-9959](tel:669-900-9959) [prowork.dev1010@gmail.com](mailto:prowork.dev1010@gmail.com)

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Why hire a NIST Standards developer?

In today’s world, most companies have code-based needs that require developers to help build and maintain. For instance, if your business has a website or an app, you’ll need to keep it updated to ensure you continue to provide positive user experiences. At times, you may even need to revamp your website or app. This is where hiring a developer becomes crucial.

Depending on the stage and scale of your product and services, you may need to hire a NIST Standards developer, multiple developers, or even a full remote developer team to help keep your business running. If you’re a startup or a company running a website, your product will likely grow out of its original skeletal structure. Hiring full-time remote NIST Standards developers can help keep your website up-to-date.

How do I hire NIST Standards developers?

To hire a NIST Standards developer, you need to go through a hiring process of defining your needs, posting a job description, screening resumes, conducting interviews, testing candidates’ skills, checking references, and making an offer.

Arc offers three services to help you hire NIST Standards developers effectively and efficiently. Hire full-time NIST Standards developers from a vetted candidates pool, with new options every two weeks, and pay through prepaid packages or per hire. Alternatively, hire the top 2.3% of expert freelance NIST Standards engineers in 72 hours, with weekly payments.

If you’re not ready to commit to the paid plans, our free job posting service is for you. By posting your job on Arc, you can reach up to 350,000 developers around the world. With that said, the free plan will not give you access to pre-vetted NIST Standards developers.

Furthermore, we’ve partnered with compliance and payroll platforms Deel and Remote to make paperwork and hiring across borders easier. This way, you can focus on finding the right NIST Standards developer for your company, and let Arc handle the logistics.

Where do I hire the best remote NIST Standards developers?

There are two types of platforms you can hire NIST Standards programmers from: general and niche marketplaces. General platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Gigster offer a variety of non-vetted talents unlimited to developers. While you can find NIST Standards developers on general platforms, top tech talents generally avoid general marketplaces in order to escape bidding wars.

If you’re looking to hire the best remote NIST Standards developers, consider niche platforms like Arc that naturally attract and carefully vet their NIST Standards developers for hire. This way, you’ll save time and related hiring costs by only interviewing the most suitable remote NIST Standards developer candidates.

Some factors to consider when you hire NIST Standards developers include the platform’s specialty, developer’s geographical location, and the service’s customer support. Depending on your hiring budget, you may also want to compare the pricing and fee structure.

Make sure to list out all of the important factors when you compare and decide on which remote developer job board and platform to use to find NIST Standards developers for hire.

How do I write a NIST Standards developer job description?

Writing a good NIST Standards developer job description is crucial in helping you hire NIST Standards programmers that your company needs. A job description’s key elements include a clear job title, a brief company overview, a summary of the role, the required duties and responsibilities, and necessary and preferred experience. To attract top talent, it's also helpful to list other perks and benefits, such as flexible hours and health coverage.

Crafting a compelling job title is critical as it's the first thing that job seekers see. It should offer enough information to grab their attention and include details on the seniority level, type, and area or sub-field of the position.

Your company description should succinctly outline what makes your company unique to compete with other potential employers. The role summary for your remote NIST Standards developer should be concise and read like an elevator pitch for the position, while the duties and responsibilities should be outlined using bullet points that cover daily activities, tech stacks, tools, and processes used.

For a comprehensive guide on how to write an attractive job description to help you hire NIST Standards programmers, read our Software Engineer Job Description Guide & Templates.

What skills should I look for in a NIST Standards engineer?

The top five technical skills NIST Standards developers should possess include proficiency in programming languages, understanding data structures and algorithms, experience with databases, familiarity with version control systems, and knowledge of software testing and debugging.

Meanwhile, the top five soft skills are communication, problem-solving, time management, attention to detail, and adaptability. Effective communication is essential for coordinating with clients and team members, while problem-solving skills enable NIST Standards developers to analyze issues and come up with effective solutions. Time management skills are important to ensure projects are completed on schedule, while attention to detail helps to catch and correct issues before they become bigger problems. Finally, adaptability is crucial for NIST Standards developers to keep up with evolving technology and requirements.

What kinds of NIST Standards programmers are available for hire through Arc?

You can find a variety of NIST Standards developers for hire on Arc! At Arc, you can hire on a freelance, full-time, part-time, or contract-to-hire basis. For freelance NIST Standards programmers, Arc matches you with the right senior developer in roughly 72 hours. As for full-time remote NIST Standards developers for hire, you can expect to make a successful hire in 14 days. To extend a freelance engagement to a full-time hire, a contract-to-hire fee will apply.

In addition to a variety of engagement types, Arc also offers a wide range of developers located in different geographical locations, such as Latin America and Eastern Europe. Depending on your needs, Arc offers a global network of skilled software engineers in various different time zones and countries for you to choose from.

Lastly, our remote-ready NIST Standards developers for hire are all mid-level and senior-level professionals. They are ready to start coding straight away, anytime, anywhere.

Why is Arc the best choice for hiring NIST Standards developers?

Arc is trusted by hundreds of startups and tech companies around the world, and we’ve matched thousands of skilled NIST Standards developers with both freelance and full-time jobs. We’ve successfully helped Silicon Valley startups and larger tech companies like Spotify and Automattic hire NIST Standards developers.

Every NIST Standards developer for hire in our network goes through a vetting process to verify their communication abilities, remote work readiness, and technical skills (both for depth in NIST Standards and breadth across the greater domain). Additionally, HireAI, our GPT-4-powered AI recruiter, enables you to get instant candidate matches without searching and screening.

Not only can you expect to find the most qualified NIST Standards engineer on Arc, but you can also count on your account manager and the support team to make each hire a success. Enjoy a streamlined hiring experience with Arc, where we provide you with the developer you need, and take care of the logistics so you don’t need to.

How does Arc vet a developer’s NIST Standards skills?

Arc has a rigorous and transparent vetting process for all types of developers. To become a vetted NIST Standards developer for hire on Arc, developers must pass a profile screening, complete a behavioral interview, and pass a technical interview or pair programming.

While Arc has a strict vetting process for its verified NIST Standards developers, if you’re using Arc’s free job posting plan, you will only have access to non-vetted developers. If you’re using Arc to hire NIST Standards developers, you can rest assured that all remote NIST Standards developers have been thoroughly vetted for the high-caliber communication and technical skills you need in a successful hire.

How long does it take to find NIST Standards developers on Arc?

Arc pre-screens all of our remote NIST Standards developers before we present them to you. As such, all the remote NIST Standards developers you see on your Arc dashboard are interview-ready candidates who make up the top 2% of applicants who pass our technical and communication assessment. You can expect the interview process to happen within days of posting your jobs to 350,000 candidates. You can also expect to hire a freelance NIST Standards programmer in 72 hours, or find a full-time NIST Standards programmer that fits your company’s needs in 14 days.

Here’s a quote from Philip, the Director of Engineering at Chegg:

“The biggest advantage and benefit of working with Arc is the tremendous reduction in time spent sourcing quality candidates. We’re able to identify the talent in a matter of days.”

Find out more about how Arc successfully helped our partners in hiring remote NIST Standards developers.

How much does a freelance NIST Standards developer charge per hour?

Depending on the freelance developer job board you use, freelance remote NIST Standards developers' hourly rates can vary drastically. For instance, if you're looking on general marketplaces like Upwork and Fiverr, you can find NIST Standards developers for hire at as low as $10 per hour. However, high-quality freelance developers often avoid general freelance platforms like Fiverr to avoid the bidding wars.

When you hire NIST Standards developers through Arc, they typically charge between $60-100+/hour (USD). To get a better understanding of contract costs, check out our freelance developer rate explorer.

How much does it cost to hire a full time NIST Standards developer?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the medium annual wage for software developers in the U.S. was $120,730 in May 2021. What this amounts to is around $70-100 per hour. Note that this does not include the direct cost of hiring, which totals to about $4000 per new recruit, according to Glassdoor.

Your remote NIST Standards developer’s annual salary may differ dramatically depending on their years of experience, related technical skills, education, and country of residence. For instance, if the developer is located in Eastern Europe or Latin America, the hourly rate for developers will be around $75-95 per hour.

For more frequently asked questions on hiring NIST Standards developers, check out our FAQs page.

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