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Arc helps you hire top Mobile App developers for freelance and full-time jobs in Ukraine. With 350,000+ software vetted programmers in Ukraine available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest network of vetted talent. Our Silicon Valley-caliber vetting process ensure you hire Mobile App developers and experts in Ukraine that you can trust.

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Top senior Mobile App developers for hire in Ukraine

Want to expand your Mobile App development team in Ukraine? Here are some of our top full-time and freelance Mobile App developers in Ukraine for you to browse, interview, and hire.

Anar J. - Mobile App developer in Ukraine
Software Engineer
5.00 / 5.0

I'm CTO, System Architect, Full-Stack developer with 10+ years of experience. I've experience of building billing systems for Internet Service Providers, Mobile Content Providers, Site Builder Systems (like a SitePlus.com, Wix.com), Learning Management System (smls.com.ua, maktapp.az), small tools and etc. stuff. I can work alone or manage a team and work together to keep them enough mentored and motivated. Experience list (developing during work): 1. GoLang - expert with 5+ years experience 2. NodeJS - expert with 10+ years experience (since v0.4) 3. Ruby - expert with 3+ years experience 4. Elixir - expert with 3+ years experience 5. PHP - expert with 15+ years experience 6. Rust, C++, C#, Java, Python- debugger and had deal with code written on these languages, writing own small projects on Rust as hobby before using it in customer's work. 7. Databases: MySQL (also Galera Cluster) - expert (installing, tuning, replication, complex queries, building optimal db solutions), PostgreSQL - expert (installing, tuning, replication, complex queries, building optimal db solutions), MongoDB - expert (currently preferred as primary db in most of projects, have rich experience on any aspect of this db), CouchBase - expert (using as secondary after MongoDB to cache, store data that is requested with high concurrency), CouchDB - expert (same as CouchBase, but I prefer CouchBase for it's active data in memory principles), RethinkDB - expert (I use it to build back communication between api micro-services and web-socket micro-services to route response to exact connection in context of multi-instance containers) 8. Frontend frameworks: AngularJS, ReactJS - have experience of supporting code written using these frameworks and experience can be developed if there is big need to work with them 9. Building micro-services, containerizing, delivering to cloud infra. 10. Server OSs: ArchLinux, Debian, Alpine 11. Continuous Integration: CI Scripting in GitLab, Jenkins, CloudBuild 12. Team/Task management and boards in Jira 13. Cloud service providers: GCP, AWS Have problem - I'll find solution, only question is time. I would love the opportunity to work with you on your project!

Eugene K. - Mobile App developer in Ukraine
Technical Architect | Senior Mobile Application Engineer
5.00 / 5.0

Glad to meet you here. I am an Application Architect with 16+ years in the industry. Started with macOS and iOS development in 2011 (Objective-C, Swift), and previously worked on Windows using C/C++ and C#. Periodically work with Python and Javascript. Good experience in designing project architectures of apps and feature design. Have strong knowledge in memory management and multithreading programming, managing and delivering high-quality mobile projects, very good experience in code assessment and refactoring, and big experience in writing tests and UI tests. I became a team leader in 2013 and have grown hyper-talented iOS, Android, macOS, and Linux developers from 8 to 17 team members during 5 years. I was building personal development plans, defining and helping to achieve the goals, doing evaluations, etc. Now many of my team members have become senior developers and tech leads.

Anton H. - Mobile App developer in Ukraine
Chief Software Engineer (Mobile), Solution Architect
5.00 / 5.0

Result-driven software engineer with 12 years of experience in developing native mobile applications. Professional profile includes strong skills in object-oriented programming, good understanding of database and software development technologies, understanding of iOS operating system architecture and concept. Has experience in developing watchOS and macOS application as well. Experienced in Android/ Android Wear applications development and IoT development and architecting, has strong production experience in Flutter/Dart development. Additional strong point is experience in team leading, project management and solution architecture. Was leading Mobile Stream development in big outsourcing company, managed team up to 22 team members with all roles to cover SDLC, was a Mobile department head in product company, solution architect in several start-ups.

It's Easy to Hire Top Mobile App Developers in Ukraine With Arc

It's Easy to Hire Top Mobile App Developers in Ukraine With Arc

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