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Arc helps you hire top Web developers for freelance and full-time jobs in Lahore. With 272 Web vetted programmers in Lahore available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest network of vetted talent. Our Silicon Valley-caliber vetting process ensure you hire Web developers and experts in Lahore that you can trust.

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Top senior Web developers for hire in Lahore

Want to expand your Web development team in Lahore? Here are some of our top full-time and freelance Web developers in Lahore for you to browse, interview, and hire.

Babar H - Web developer in Lahore
Solutions Architect

I am a full-stack software engineer having experience of more than 6 years of developing different software and applications for clients & employers globally. I have strong command over more than 20 languages such as Laravel, Vue, Electron, Node, Redis, Socket Programming, CodeIgnitor, PostgreSQL, MySQL, GraphQL, Laravel Echo, WebRTC, Selenium, PhpUnit. And the list of tools like Git, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook API, Secure File Upload, Storage, PayPal, and Stripe Payment Processor API. I am extremely comfortable working with client's job management and requirements. I have used PhpStorm, MySql Workbench, Sublime Text, Git bash, Wamp server , Postman, Elixir versions. I am also an expert in performance-orientated development and an expert in cloud providers e.g. IBM's Bluemix, Amazon AWS, Digital Ocean, and Microsoft's Azure. Extremely dedicated developer expert in delivering products in industries such as SAAS, Fintech, Regtech, AI, E-commerce marketplaces, and user-based products. I am comfortable in any given environment and working hours. What I excel at: ✅ Back-end (Elixir/Phoenix, PHP/Laravel/Livewire,MVC, NodeJS/ExpressJS, Ruby on Rails) ✅ Front-end (Vue/JS, ReactJS/Redux, Angular/NgRx, HTML5, Bootstrap) ✅ Database (SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, GraphQL, DynamoDB, Firebase) ✅ Web Technology (WordPress, Shopify, WooCommerce) ✅ Styling (Tailwind CSS, CSS3, Material UI, Bootstrap) ✅ Multiple Payment Gateway SDK Integration ✅ Strong Problem-solving Skills ✅ Any Time Zone Available ✅ 100% client satisfaction ✅ High Quality, Clean codebase

Hamza M - Web developer in Lahore

Full stack engineer with a strong background in web development, I have experience working with both front-end and back-end technologies. On the front-end, I am skilled in using JavaScript, Reactjs, TypeScript, HTML, and CSS, as well as popular frameworks such as React. On the back-end, I have experience working with languages such as Nodejs, Python or Ruby, and have developed and maintained RESTful API's, implemented data access and persistence layers and worked with databases such as MySQL, MongoDB or Postgresql. Additionally, I have experience with cloud infrastructure providers such as AWS, or Heroku, and familiar with version control systems such as Git and continuous integration and deployment tools such as Jenkins or Circle CI. I possess strong problem-solving skills, ability to work well in a team environment and experience with software development methodologies such as Agile or Scrum.

Kamran Z - Web developer in Lahore

Dear Concern, Please accept my application, I have a strong full stack web development experience of more than 13 years. Detail-oriented Developer with extensive experience as Full LAMP web developer. Well versed in many other programming languages. Delivers well-made projects on time. Always seeking creative challenges. I have contributed plugins in Drupal community; \- No More Captchas – [https://www.drupal.org/project/nomorecaptchas](https://www.drupal.org/project/nomorecaptchas) \- Purolator Shipping module - [https://www.drupal.org/sandbox/cog-axis/1800756](https://www.drupal.org/sandbox/cog-axis/1800756). \- Drupal 8 sandbox module - [https://github.com/k-zafar/custom\_field\_formatter](https://github.com/k-zafar/custom_field_formatter) Here are my portfolio links: \- Yearup - [http://yearup.org/](http://yearup.org/) \- Plasticair - [https://plasticairfancompany.com/](https://plasticairfancompany.com/) \- Panditops - [https://panditops.ee/et](https://panditops.ee/et) \- Love My Salad - [http://www.lovemysalad.com/](http://www.lovemysalad.com/) I'm expert in: \- Worked on other renowned PHP tools Drupal, Laravel, WordPress, Joomla \- Worked in all major Drupal versions D9, D8, D7, D6 & D5. \- Full command on Drupal/Wordpress APIs and Hooks \- Custom Drupal Module/WP Plugin/Joomla Plugin and Component Development \- ROR/Laravel/Symfony Backend Development (Models, Controllers, Migrations, Seeders, Middleware, Events) \- Custom Responsive Theme Development \- SASS/LESS, Bootstrap and so on... \- Drupal Configuration & Customization (Views, Panels, Feeds, Solr, etc.) & Drupal Upgrades and Updates \- Drupal Commerce and Ubercart \- AWS, Pantheon, etc. \- Multilingual and localization, Mulisite. \- Test Cases Behat and other tools \- Mapping with Drupal (Openlayers & Leaflet map modules) \- Performance and Server administration (Varnish, Memcache, APC etc) \- Writing webservice (XML or Json using Services module) for integration with mobile apps or web communications for Payment gateways and etc where necessary. Please take a look at my work experience and qualifications. I'd really like to speak with you more about the position, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Feel free to contact me at [work.kamranzafar@gmail.com](mailto:work.kamranzafar@gmail.com). Cheers!

It's Easy to Hire Top Web Developers in Lahore With Arc

It's Easy to Hire Top Web Developers in Lahore With Arc

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