How much do remote developers in Thailand expect to make? $70,691 per year on average (based on self-reported data).
This estimated average salary is based on the expected salaries of Arc Developers in that location. Remote software engineer salaries in Thailand are amongst the highest for Asia.
Below are some things to consider when hiring developers based in this location or building your next engineering hub.
Use the dropdown to compare software engineer salaries in Thailand with another location.
Work with great developers — who just happen to be outside your zip code.We built this tool to help you understand how much remote developers expect to be paid annually across different countries around the world. Software engineer salary in Thailand are calculated using self-reported data from remote developers based in Thailand, and may not be representative of local salaries.Learn More
The salary data is based on the expected salary of over 300,000 remote developers in Arc's network. Developers provide us with their expected salary after passing our comprehensive vetting process (click here to learn more about Arc’s vetting process).
In addition to software development experience, our research indicates two other major factors that affect salary expectations:
・Local rent and cost of living.
・English ability (in countries where English is not the primary language, developers with a good command of English can often charge a premium compared to local rates).
In addition to providing a base salary, organizations may offer remote developers a more comprehensive package when hired long-term. This package may include benefits such as health insurance, equipment stipends, cash bonuses for high performance, company equity, etc. (For more information on benefits frequently offered to remote developers, click here.)
Passionate about computer science and electronics since I am 12. Constantly picking up new skills, ideas always pop up in my mind to improve and develop upon what already exists. Currently focused on backend software (embedded C; C++/QT; python), but front end can also be fun (angular). For more informations:
With 13+ years in the HighTech industry, including 9 years in FinTech, I specialize in building scalable, high-performance backend systems for eCommerce and financial platforms. My expertise lies in Java, Spring Boot, Microservices, Domain-Driven Design, and Relational Databases, ensuring businesses have reliable, efficient, and secure infrastructures. Beyond my technical role, I am passionate about mentorship and community impact. I led a Backend Guild, fostering knowledge sharing and best practices across engineering teams. In addition, I co-managed the Tech-Blogging Program at Baot, organizing workshops to inspire women in tech to publish their first technical articles, and served as an Intuit Women’s Network ERG Leader, advocating for career growth and inclusion in tech. Over the years, I played a pivotal role in financial integrations, including: ✅ Wells Fargo Integration – Engineered a seamless connection to enhance payment processing. ✅ Cross River Bank & PPP Integration – Led the integration efforts during the pandemic, enabling SMBs to access critical funding through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Now, as a freelance backend engineer, consultant, and mentor, I help businesses architect scalable eCommerce platforms, optimize payment flows, and build robust backend infrastructures tailored to their needs. 💡 What I Offer: 🔹 Backend Development – Scalable, high-performance Java & Spring Boot applications. 🔹 Consulting & Mentorship – Guiding teams and individuals on best practices in architecture & code quality. 🔹 Code Reviews – Ensuring clean, efficient, and maintainable codebases. 🔹 Public Speaking & Thought Leadership – Sharing insights on backend development, FinTech, and eCommerce. Let’s connect! Whether you need backend expertise, consulting, or mentorship, I’m here to help. 🚀
Wolfgang Schreurs is a freelance software developer that grew up in The Netherlands but nowadays is located in Thailand with his girlfriend and daughter. His focus is on writing mobile apps using Swift, Objective-C or C# (Xamarin). In the past he also dabbled a bit with Java. In the past he worked with a variety of other languages and environments like Visual Basic, LotusScript, etc... In his free time he likes to dabble with game development and do some swimming.
Now that you know the software engineer salaries in Thailand, take a look at developers’ salary expectations based on the technologies they’re experienced in.
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