Remote PHP Developer Salary Guide

How much do remote PHP developers expect to make? Remote PHP developer salaries sit at a global average of $65,613USD per year (based on self-reported data).

This estimated average salary is based on the expected salaries of 300,000+ Arc Developers. Remote PHP developer salaries start from $56,732 to $81,526+. They are among the highest software developer salaries worldwide. How do other places compare?

PHP developer salary

Remote PHP Developer Salaries

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How much do software developers make?

Do you know the average PHP developer’s salary? This video by a seasoned developer advocate David, discusses how much developers get paid depending on the technologies they’re experienced in.

View PHP developer salaries by location

PHP developer salaries can vary widely depending on location. Explore PHP developer salary in the locations listed below.

How much an employer should pay a remote PHP developer

If you're looking to hire a remote developer, you're in the right place. Now that you already know global PHP remote developer salaries, use the hiring guide below to understand the full picture.

Ready to hire right now? Check out Arc's pre-vetted PHP remote developers here.

PHP developer hiring guide
PHP Developer Hiring Guide
PHP Developer Hiring Guide: Salaries, Freelance Rates & More
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