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Top senior Software developers for hire in Brooklyn

Want to expand your Software development team in Brooklyn? Here are some of our top full-time and freelance Software developers in Brooklyn for you to browse, interview, and hire.

Anatoliy Z. - Software developer in Brooklyn
Web3, Node, CI/Testing, and Data Viz Expert
4.93 / 5.0

Hello. My name is Toli. I'm lover of experimentation, dogs, yoga, and travel. And I am a full stack Javascript Developer. My passions are creating simple, intuitive interfaces, promoting animal welfare, healthy living, and mental health education. I work full time at Novel, a NFT for Shopify company, as their founding engineer. But I am available for select consulting projects. My specialties are Prototyping/MVPs, Data Visualization, Code Reviews, Scaling Javascript Frontends, Social Media Marketing, and of course anything and everything NTT. . I've worked with all sorts of companies: big, small, startups, small projects, agencies financial, health, politics, you name it. My past clients include American Express, Federal Reserve, WSJ, Percolate, and Chanel. Here is a complete list of clients. I try to inform those that I work with that I have Aspergers and Bipolar Disorder. With this information, my clients and coworkers can collaborate with me much more effectively and channel my strengths into producing incredible work. These afflictions have not held me back from having a full life and a passionate friend, programmer. In fact often times, I have been able to channel my disorders into creativity and productivity. I'm happy to speak about how to work most effectively with my condition and I strongly recommend the donation-based book, Mental Health in Tech: Guidelines for Mental Wellness in the Workplace written by the Open Source Mental Illness Foundation. My standard stack includes: Frontend: React, Redux, Redux Saga, Styled Components, Connected React Router, Jest, Enzyme Data Visualization: D3, HighCharts, Carto, Google Maps Backend: Node.js, Koa,Passport, RDS Aurora, MongoDB Tooling: Create React App, Webpack, Storybook, ESLint with AirBnB Standards. Babel@stage-1, Atom Editor Infrastructure: AWS, AWS Lambda, AWS S3, Amazon Glacier, RDS Aurora, Amazon Redshift, Surge.sh, GitHub, Algolia Search Check out some of my work on: http://tolicodes.com

Harry M. - Software developer in Brooklyn
Technologist passionate about improving this world.
5.00 / 5.0

I'm passionate about improving this world through software and teaching. I am an experienced full-stack software developer with 8 years in the field. I am strongest in front-end development, but I am also good with devops, machine learning, mobile apps, blockchain, smart contracts and backend development. I am a Professional Engineer with a degree in Computer Science. I am passionate about access to technology for all people, and I delight in improving that access through mentoring. I have helped my friends land jobs in software and I have been an instructor of full-stack javascript, bitcoin and smart contracts. My core hours are Mon-Fri, 10-6 Eastern time. I can do other times as needed. ** If you belong to a group that is underrepresented in tech, and money is an issue, please ask me about reduced rates. **

Ian J. - Software developer in Brooklyn
Technical Lead with 10+ years of software development experience
5.00 / 5.0

Experienced Software Engineer Team Lead with a demonstrated history of working in the electrical and electronic manufacturing industry. Skilled in Computer Science, Databases, Java, Scrum, and IntelliJ IDEA. Strong engineering professional with a Master of Engineering focused in Computer Science from Cornell University.

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