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Arc helps you hire top Software developers for freelance and full-time jobs in Hungary. With 350,000+ software vetted programmers in Hungary available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest network of vetted talent. Our Silicon Valley-caliber vetting process ensure you hire Software developers and experts in Hungary that you can trust.

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Top senior Software developers for hire in Hungary

Want to expand your Software development team in Hungary? Here are some of our top full-time and freelance Software developers in Hungary for you to browse, interview, and hire.

Mรกrk T. - Software developer in Hungary
Product Oriented Technology Leader

I have previously worked for Ustream, a video-streaming startup acquired by IBM. I joined a small educational startup as CTO after my tenure at IBM and led the engineering team maintaining the flagship mobile product of the company. More recently I have helped small companies and early-stage startups execute their vision.

รrpรกd G. - Software developer in Hungary
Jรกszapรกti,ย Hungary

I am a problem solver and a strong believer in interdisciplinarity: one must learn as much of a domain as needed to provide a, correct, maintainable, and robust technical solution to a challenge. I worked in several fields and solved many problems: * Started out as a self-taught iOS app developer in the jailbreaking era. With a few friends, ended up completely re-architecting iCsekk, the top utility bill payment application in Hungary, fixing several high-impact security & logic bugs, also accomodating some idiosincracies of the backend (which we didn't have control over). * Learned Python, JavaScript, shell scripting, and gained an interest in compilers. I eventually implemented my own scripting language, Sparkling. I learned about optimizations, and gained significant hands-on experience with compiler implementation using LLVM. I gave a series of talks at Budapest Swift Meetup on implementing a small, typed language, and a presentation on optimizations at Swift London Meetup. * Wrote my Bachelor's thesis in hardware acceleration of a protein structural alignment method. I implemented the algorithm using HLS in C++ on a Xilinx FPGA, learning the basics of FPGA-based design. * Discovered Rust in 2017 and it quickly became my favorite language. I gained substantial experience with the ecosystem, published a number of libraries, and contributed to the Rust Users forum. * Graduated Summa Cum Laude with an MSc in Data Science from the University of Padua in 2020. Since then, I have been pursing a hybrid data scientist/software architect career at two Hungarian private medical companies, where my tasks range from biostatistical modeling through LaTeX-based template generation to bioinformatics consulting. I hold a C2-level certificate of English proficiency from Cambridge Assessment. I picked up conversational Italian during my 2 years in Padua.

Zsombor K. - Software developer in Hungary
Segesd,ย Hungary

**Security specialist** with around 15 years of hands-on experience in practical security testing, with a main focus on application and infrastructure evaluation, conducting penetration tests on a daily basis. Recently got involved in penetration tests performed on mobile device (both iOS and Android) applications and secure coding trainings. Also, forensic engineering, **reversing** and physical security. **IT security frameworks:** Experience regarding vulnerability assessment and software development based on frameworks and IT standards (Common Criteria, ISO27001, ISO15408) as well as recommendations (e.g. best practices of OWASP) **Penetration testing:** Experience regarding several types of attacking tools, manual and automated testing. Deep knowledge of mobile, web application and network security related issues. Up-to-date knowledge regarding recent vulnerabilities, exploitation techniques and tools. Experience in working as a security consultant with nontechnical clients. **Non technical testing:** Experience in non-technical security fields, lock picking, physical security, surveillance systems, and social engineering.

It's Easy to Hire Top Software Developers in Hungary With Arc

It's Easy to Hire Top Software Developers in Hungary With Arc

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