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SQL Developers
in Seattle

Arc helps you hire top SQL developers for freelance and full-time jobs in Seattle. With 350,000+ software vetted programmers in Seattle available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest network of vetted talent. Our Silicon Valley-caliber vetting process ensure you hire SQL developers and experts in Seattle that you can trust.

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Top senior SQL developers for hire in Seattle

Want to expand your SQL development team in Seattle? Here are some of our top full-time and freelance SQL developers in Seattle for you to browse, interview, and hire.

Igor S. - SQL developer in Seattle
❄❤💻 Father, husband. #frontender. Former @awscloud.
5.00 / 5.0

**Avoiding labels like "wizard", "rock-star", "ninja", "10x", or "guru", I consider myself a seasoned software developer with a modest approach.** I specialize in React, Node.js, and TypeScript, but am not a stranger to .NET, Python, JavaScript, AWS and Azure. My goal is to assist you in: * Advancing technically (enhancing your coding, testing, debugging, communication, and various other skills); * Conquering the impostor syndrome and fostering self-confidence. I earned my Master's degree in Computer Sciences in 2008, though my career in this field began even earlier. Over the past 15+ years, I have contributed to projects of all sizes across different sectors (including private companies, non-profits, and government agencies). Each of these experiences has provided me with valuable insights, which I am eager to pass on to you.

Dan C. - SQL developer in Seattle
Web & .NET Engineer of 10 years, Tutor, Language enthusiast
5.00 / 5.0

I have a long-standing passion for coding, and have received great feedback as tutor & mentor over 10+ years as a Software Engineer. I have an expert mastery of Javascript, Typescript, C#, GIT, CSS, HTML, and have implemented solutions at all levels of the tech stack. I feel strongly that software is built for people, and not the other way around: I strive to provide solutions that meet people where they are. As a programming language enthusiast, I have explored many languages & paradigms, both in terms of practical use and underlying mechanisms. This has given me a uniquely strong ability to: implement solutions that closely match human mental models; understand solutions apart from their coded form; spot incidental complexity in code; deconstruct and re-implement complex code-bases (e.g. when migrating legacy software). As a tutor and mentor, these experiences enable me explain things in human terms, and empathize with the gap between technology and the human mind. My favorite experience as both a software engineer and mentor, is that spark of discovery or understanding while walking someone (or vice versa) through a problem or explanation. Other interests: Piano, Stargazing, Hiking, Camping, Yoga, Mindfulness, Reading, Origami, Retro gaming, Sci-fi, Horror, Dad jokes, Playing with my kids & my dogs.

Jacob B. - SQL developer in Seattle
Senior backend software engineer with 10 years at AWS
5.00 / 5.0

Hi! I've been building high-quality, high-performance web services and delightful developer tooling since 2009. I'm at my best when I'm tracking down obscure performance issues in complicated stacks, or finding creative ways to scale architectures beyond their original limits. With a deep understanding of cloud computing and the container space born both from building the AWS services you use, to building on them as a customer, I can bring a unique perspective to your infrastructure and architecture problems. In my spare time, I mostly do embedded electronics in C++ (PlatformIO/Arduino) and Rust. I'm a volunteer at my local makerspace, where I've built several automation systems and teach the Arduino classes.

It's Easy to Hire Top SQL Developers in Seattle With Arc

It's Easy to Hire Top SQL Developers in Seattle With Arc

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