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Arc helps you hire top Web developers for freelance and full-time jobs in Los Angeles. With 350,000+ software vetted programmers in Los Angeles available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest network of vetted talent. Our Silicon Valley-caliber vetting process ensure you hire Web developers and experts in Los Angeles that you can trust.

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Top senior Web developers for hire in Los Angeles

Want to expand your Web development team in Los Angeles? Here are some of our top full-time and freelance Web developers in Los Angeles for you to browse, interview, and hire.

Frances G. - Web developer in Los Angeles
CEO and Web Developer Consultant at Goldlilys Media

Adaptable and driven Full Stack LAMP Web Developer. Entrepreneurial, able to collaborate and communicate with clients and teams from various backgrounds. A great asset for any development team as well as solo projects. Value every project finished especially new skills learned throughout my career. Founder of Goldlilys Media that provides strategic brand consulting and web development services since 2013. I've enjoyed problem-solving especially puzzles like Tetris ever since I was a kid. In Tetris, every different shape creates a whole line that clears out and solves any problems you may have. Similarly, creating websites is like a puzzle game in the real world where I connect the Front-end designs created by Designers with my Back-end Functional code as the different puzzle pieces of Tetris. When everything works well together, the whole site is balanced and clear. My tagline is Uniquely Creative and Simply Efficient Websites. No matter how difficult/complex a website or web application may become, using development best practices with simplicity in mind is highly recommended so that the website is easy to maintain whenever there are changes. This saves time and fewer headaches in the future. Who doesn't want to save more time?

sheriffderek - Web developer in Los Angeles
Goal-driven design and programming for The Web. You deserve better.
5.00 / 5.0

Hello, My name is Derek. I teach programming and design for The Web & I help build serious design teams. https://sheriffderek.consulting I can certainly help with one-off issues, but I think I can be the most help to people who want to learn from the ground up. I built the curriculum at https://perpetual.education I learned everything the hard way. You shouldn't have to. There are so many 'frameworks' and buzz-words - and while so many people are creating things to make our lives easier, those tools can cloud what is actually happening and make learning some messy business. Just because someone is a great developer doesn't mean they are suited to teach. Many developers lack the empathy or memory to explain concepts without making assumptions about where the mentee is coming from. I'll make sure you learn WHY you write markup and what a CSS rule actually is - instead of showing you how to use bootstrap and other abstracted libraries of opinionated functions. I won't expect you to know what I mean when I say 'library' or 'terminal' or 'npm' or 'pass it in' until I've listened to your goals and heard about your background. I'll walk you through everything in order of importance to your unique understanding of the languages and help find the blind spots you may have. I believe that a solid foundation, while it may feel slightly slower at first, will ensure you cut through all of the churn of the changing code climate in the future. I'm not a JavaScript wizard, but I can explain what beginners need to know - better than most seasoned developers - and I can get you to a place where you can begin to ask the right questions. I'm an expert with CSS and responsive layout. I'll set you on the path to reusable/modular code that will be easier to write and maintain. I can help you sort through the hype and ensure you don't get stuck in the mud. In my experience, pair programming is by far the best way to learn. Let's discuss. If I can't help you ~ you won't be charged. My codementor rate is considerably lower than my standard rate because I expect to learn from our interactions as much as you do. I feel that pair programming is the best way to learn and that both parties benefit.

Jayson V. - Web developer in Los Angeles
Startup Veteran, Engineer, Architect, Entrepreneur
5.00 / 5.0

Entrepreneur and technologist with a focus on building autonomous systems both living in and underlying the Cloud. Also, a Computer Scientist with substantial development experience and extensive knowledge base. Particularly interested in advancing the state of the art in distributed computing, infrastructure, databases, and operations in general.

It's Easy to Hire Top Web Developers in Los Angeles With Arc

It's Easy to Hire Top Web Developers in Los Angeles With Arc

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