Wondering if hiring remotely is right for you? Here are 4 common misconceptions about hiring remote developers and why there's no need to worry.
Every freelance software development project needs a solid contract to protect both parties. Here’s what to know and what to include within.
Learn how startup Equipboard helps musicians discover gear and brings instrument makers closer to their customers with the help of Arc.
It’s important to build a culture of communication, feedback, and goal setting. Lattice CEO Jack Altman has some tips on how to do just that.
How can founders effectively manage the product and perform all of their other duties? Here are best practices to keep in mind from Kevin Lee.
Hiring front-end developers? Here are front-end developer salaries, job descriptions, how to test technical skills, and more. Find a front-end developer today!
Alertboot's Tim Maliyil explains how he makes file encryption software for governments and law firms with remote developers and freelancers.
These 21+ must-ask freelance interview questions will help you find and hire the best freelance developer for your software project.
Zapier is an emerging thought leader in remote team management. Here are some best practices from Zapier CTO and co-founder Bryan Helmig.
On the market for an IT professional? Here are 10 staffing agency alternatives to Robert Half, including Aerotek, Randstad, and more.