Remote work is increasingly common but great remote team management isn't. Be productive & successful with these tips for managing developers!
Only 3% of Y Combinator applicants get accepted. Read these helpful tips from YC alumni to help you write a successful YC application.
Productivity is the key to a happy development team. Engineering Manager of Mailchimp, Nassim, shares his strategies for helping his team work effectively.
Software engineers given employee development opportunities stay at their jobs longer, are more productive, and attract more clients.
Read about the pros and cons of on-site, remote, and distributed engineering teams to find which structure would work best for your needs.
What is product-market fit? How to get there? Can it be quantified? This article breaks down the prerequisites and all the related jargon.
What is the future of work? Is it reality or just hype? How should employers and developers prepare? Learn more about it in this post.
Every freelance software development project needs a solid contract to protect both parties. Here’s what to know and what to include within.
It’s important to build a culture of communication, feedback, and goal setting. Lattice CEO Jack Altman has some tips on how to do just that.
How can founders effectively manage the product and perform all of their other duties? Here are best practices to keep in mind from Kevin Lee.