Personal details

Vladimir K. - Remote iOS developer

Vladimir K.

Timezone: Moscow (UTC+3)


Efficient and reliable iOS Software Architect with 6+ experience in top technology companies in Russia. I stay on the top of the game and use latest tools, technologies and methodologies to solve issues that every complex product faces regularly.

I started to write first code in Basic and Pascal when I got my first Pentium II in the middle of 90s.

When I was at school I participated in mathematical contests which inspired me to complete the master degree in Computer Science at the best univesity on the south of Russia.

My first programming languages were Java and C++, but then I learned in-depth the Objective-C and Swift and started to craft beautiful iOS applications which are used by millions of users.
I started to work with tiny startups and small outsource companies but I wanted to learn more about best coding practices and then I moved to Moscow which was a great experience in my life. As a result, I have been worked at Russian tech giants – Avito and Sberbank. It was a fortune to meet such a brilliant community of software engineers with different background. Needless to say, it was also incredible to release iOS apps which are used by million of users and are advertised on the TV.

Nowadays, I focus on building high-quality apps, writing the clean code, sharing my experience, mentoring fresh developers and leading the team.

As a hobby, I like to solve math puzzles and challenges on HackerRank while drinking a cup of coffee ☕️.

Work Experience

Software Engineering Consultant
Toptal | Feb 2020 - Present
Toptal is a Silicon Valley-based company and a community of elite software engineers, designers, and product managers. I passed all challenging interviews and got accepted into the network.
Senior iOS Developer & Technical Leader
Sberbank | Mar 2018 - Present
Unit Testing
Continuous Integration
Continuous Deployment
🏠 Developing iOS applications for the #1 bank in Russia Sberbank. I'm working at Domclick squad on various projects related to mortgage. The company implements a Spotify's squad system as an organizational structure. – Consulted on writing clean code in Swift, participated in code review on a daily basis, leased with product managers, designers and backend developers, took a part in agile processes – Organized unit and UI testing workshops and promoted testing practices – Automated regression testing by introducing native iOS UI tests (EarlGrey, Quick, Nimble) – Developed a new enterprise iOS app for an iPad from scratch, this app is used by account managers in all bank offices and it significantly reduces all the paperwork that the manager and client have to do to get a mortgage. Technology stack includes RxSwift, RxDataSource, RxCocoa. – Developed a new enterprise iOS Instagram-like app from scratch (It heavily uses the camera and Core Data) and released it to App Store – Sped up 10 times build time of Domclick app from 15 minutes down to 1.5 minutes – Developed an HttpClient to make it easy to write clean testable networking client-server code – Led cross-functional team and developed Flutter app in Dart from scratch on internal hackathon in 2 days – Took part in backend: participated in re-writing node.js microservice to Kotlin Native, implemented integration tests in Kotlin – Conducted job interviews regularly

Personal Projects

The most popular classified mobile application in Russia.
The banking service which allows to get a mortgage using the mobile application. #1 in Russia.