Personal details

Nicolas S. - Remote full-stack developer

Nicolas S.

Based in: 🇦🇷 Argentina
Timezone: Pacific Time (US & Canada) (UTC-7)


During the last 15+ years I've been performing the roles of Sr. Software
Engineer, VP of Engineering and CTO, building massive consumer and enterprise software products in many different vertical markets: social networks, marketing platforms, non-profit, video games, e-commerce, HR, Healthcare, Logistics, etc.
In order to achieve the goal of deliver a product I follow the next rules:

  • Clean and concise communication, no assumptions, exploration when is required.
  • The architecture needs to consider every aspect: efficiency, simplicity, modularity. Must fit with the requirements
  • The code always needs to delivered production ready: code reviewed, with tests and self documented.

Work Experience

IT consultant
N/A | Nov 2008 - Present
Built and maintained web applications as well as provided advice on architecture and processes.
Sr software engineer
Companycam | Mar 2019 - Feb 2023
Ruby on Rails
Python 3
AWS (Amazon Web Services)

Responsible for implementing and architecting core features, optimizations, and onboarding engineers.

- Optimized complex SQL queries in PostgreSQL, increasing the performance by 95%.
- Architected and implemented a new image processing that let the system scale on demand, reaching peaks of 1.5 million images processed per day using serverless solutions.
- Architected and implemented version 2 of the reports system and the new functionality named tasks.
- Responsible for maintaining the subscription system integrated with Stripe.
- Encourage the adoption of design patterns of DDD, like business logic isolation by domain and the incorporation of hexagonal architecture patterns.
- Architected the foundations of data engineering infrastructure and services (using Fivetran and DBT) and implemented the first Reverse ETLs using AWS step functions.
- Designed and implemented a library in Javascript for tracking human behavior events across all the client apps (React, React Native, and Hotwire).


Fray Mamerto Esquiu
Bachelor's degree・Accounting and Finance
Jan 1997 - Dec 1998