Personal details

Erik G. - Remote full-stack developer

Erik G.

Principal Software Engineer
Based in: 🇺🇸 United States
Timezone: Central Time (US & Canada) (UTC-5)


I am an experienced full-stack software developer with over a decade of architecting and engineering software solutions under my belt, with a primary focus on web technologies, but also a considerable amount of experience working on native desktop and console applications.

I thrive using a self-developed workflow dubbed Continuous Agile Software Engineering, which allows me to deliver features and finish projects in a timely manner, while also assuring that they are bug free and every part of the application works as expected.

Some of my specialties include building modern, single page websites; Architecting and developing high performance reporting; Architecting and developing high performance APIs and background services; Refactoring legacy code; And creating responsive layouts.

Work Experience

Software Engineer / Owner
Stoic Dreams | Dec 2008 - Present
Microsoft SQL Server

My side business used for branding my personal projects through. The first project through this business was a console game titled Cosmos, released for the Xbox 360 in December of 2008. Technologies used for this project included C# and Microsoft's XNA framework. Other early-days projects included various websites and desktop applications I developed to help with my game development, including an image editor I created so I could create a special layered image format and a 3d modeling tool I created to fix issues I was seeing from other 3d modeling tools, both of which also used C# and the XNA framework. My current primary focus is developing a task management tool called Task Story which provides developers and teams with a much simpler task manager that helps enforce better software engineering workflows.

Senior Software Engineer
Floating Point Group | Jan 2022 - Feb 2022
Python 3
Young startup company working on Crypto transaction services. Let go about 6 weeks in due to differing opinions on development standards and workflows, which I had been transparent about during the entire interview process and they were initially understanding about – see third bullet below. - Added and updated scripts and documentation while working through figuring out how to get legacy project working in a Windows environment. - Worked a couple of tech-debt user story items for a legacy project to help me get acquainted with AWS and team standards, tech stack, and workflows. - Date represents full-time employment. But my interview process involved work for a few months prior to employment as a part-time contractor working on a new backend service to be part of securely transacting crypto transactions. Worked primarily with one of the founders and another contractor for this project, with a review period towards the end with some of the other developers and team manager.

Personal Projects

Personal WebsiteIconOpenNewWindows