Personal details

Deepak - Remote


Timezone: Chennai (UTC+5.5)


15+ years, Full-stack Javascript Developer. I enjoy explaining basics patiently or move to advanced topics in my expertise anytime.
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Web development is my life, since 2008. For over a decade I'm excited to work on the full stack of web sites and applications. With more focus on Front-end and Javascript full stack in recent years.

My focus: ● HTML, CSS ● Javascript, ES6 ● ⚛ React, JSX, React-Router, Redux, Material-UI, Gatsby, NextJS● Firebase for Web: Database, Auth, Storage, Hosting, Functions ● jQuery ● AJAX, Axios, fetch ● async ● Git, Github ● npm, yarn ● Chrome DevTools ● CSS Frameworks, Bootstrap, Bulma, Foundation, Semantic-UI, SASS ● Handlebars ● NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB ● Webpack, Browserify, Gulp, Bower, Require.js ● Strip ●TradingView

Feel free to message me in the chat anytime — just tell me which topics you need help with — and we'll go from there.

If you are beginning your journey into web development and need a longer session to go through the basics of technologies and tools listed below, then I am happy to offer my encouragement with about 20% off my usual rate.

Only applies to longer sessions of 1 hour and more.
Only applies to practice sessions, where you need help with the fundamentals of the technologies listed below. Welcome to discuss or learn these technologies with me.
Does not apply to commercial work.
The discount doesn't always get applied automatically, so feel free to ask and remind me about it after a session.

To get the discount:

Let me know that you are a beginner, need a longer session and that a discount would help
Be nice, positive and respectful
Please only contact me if you actually need help understanding the following technologies, and not just have someone complete your student homework on your behalf!

I'm happy to offer a lower rate to guide you through the basics of these technologies:

HTML, CSS, Javascript: building web-pages and understanding all the concepts to make them work beautifully and efficiently
Javascript basics, intermediate and advanced
Javascript libraries and frameworks: jQuery, Backbone, React
Firebase for Web: Database, Auth, Storage, Hosting, Functions
Backend Javascript with Node.js and Express.js
CSS Frameworks: Bootstrap, Bulma
CSS Tooling: SASS, Stylus
Web-dev tools basics: npm, browserify, webpack
Web-dev concepts, such as AJAX
Command line basics and Git
Basics of hosting your static website for free
Using template engines such as Handlebars
Creating website with Jekyll and host on Github
Basics of automated Javascript testing
Over the years, I have:

Developed hundreds of HTML/CSS/JS Mockups (since 2002)
Wrote several large AngularJS/ANgular2+/React/Native javascript applications, for web and mobile (since 2010)
Developed Node.js/MongoDB applications
Developed dozens of MySQL applications (2006-2010)

Worked with large data sets and developed social network-like websites
I am keen on advanced web-development tools for front-end and back-end development.
Git, Chrome DevTools
NPM, Browserify, Grunt, Gulp, Bower, Require.js

I feel comfortable working on both small and large websites.
Jekyll, Bootstrap
jQuery, AJAX
Preprocessors: SASS, Stylus, CoffeeScript

Done a lot of projects in PHP earlier, but switched to more javascript work in recent years.

$$ Money-back guaranteed – just let me know if you're not happy and your money stays with you.

Personal Projects

React Native
Raspberry Pi
TickTip is stock market app where buying and selling for Stock Tips happens.