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Arc helps you hire top Software developers for freelance and full-time jobs in Thailand. With 350,000+ software vetted programmers in Thailand available for hire on a freelance or full-time basis, we have one of the largest network of vetted talent. Our Silicon Valley-caliber vetting process ensure you hire Software developers and experts in Thailand that you can trust.

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Top senior Software developers for hire in Thailand

Want to expand your Software development team in Thailand? Here are some of our top full-time and freelance Software developers in Thailand for you to browse, interview, and hire.

Nikola K. - Software developer in Thailand
Software Engineer at Decenter
5.00 / 5.0
Chiang Mai,ย Thailand

Hello, my name is Nikola Klipa and I am a software developer and student from Sombor, Serbia. I am currently at my third year of studies (BCompSC) at the Faculty of Computer Science. Currently, I mostly work as a web developer on outsourced projects with my team RAFnut. My primary role on these projects is to work on the back-end (either in Symfony2 or pure PHP). Alongside that I work as an iOS developer on a music app which includes features such as P2P streaming, library syncing etc. In my free time I really like problem solving. I have a lot of passion for algorithms and data structure so I attend a lot of programming competition mostly working in C++. I genuinely enjoy learning and I am not afraid to step out of my comfort zone. I am interested in working with smaller team that are very passionate about delivering high quality products and making positive changes in the world. I consider myself a part of the Serbian startup community and I regularly attend events hosted by StartIT, ICT Hub and DaFED.

Brice D. - Software developer in Thailand
Senior software architect and tech lead with 10+ years of experience
Bangkok,ย Thailand

I am an accomplished software architect and technical lead with over a decade of experience in diverse industries. My expertise encompasses designing dynamic solutions, leading technical teams and optimizing development processes. I possess a comprehensive understanding of both technical intricacies and business imperatives. Proficient in both frontend and backend, I've worked extensively with technologies such as Angular, VueJs, Java and Spring Cloud to name a few. As an architect, Iโ€™ve designed and led the development and deployment of large scale micro-service platforms. Currently, I'm involved in designing and building a highly scalable serverless plafform on AWS, leveraging services such as AppSync, Lambda, DynamoDB, ECSโ€ฆ My unique combination of technical expertise and a passion for continuous improvement drives my commitment to crafting innovative solutions that make a lasting impact.

Richard P. - Software developer in Thailand
Software architect and developer with 25+ year of experience
Bangkok,ย Thailand

I'm a seasoned software architect and blockchain expert, boasting over 25+ years of coding and development team leadership experience across five countries. During these years I have successfully delivered projects in the realms of government, banking, media, and startups. With a track record of driving innovation, I have founded RailsFrance in 2005, evangelized Ruby on Rails in Europe and APAC, founded and organized the first editions of the "Paris on Rails" conference. I have been teaching programming to junior developers for years and have delivered presentations and talks at numerous universities and conferences. Since 2017, I have focused on Solidity programming and I'm passionate about sharing my expertise in distributed ledger technologies, Web3, blockchains, smart-contracts, software architecture and development. In January 2022, I co-engineered the largest NFT airdrop in history on the Ethereum blockchain, resulting in the birth of the [Orthoverse metaverse project](https://orthoverse.io). I am eager to mentor aspiring developers in Solidity and smart-contract development, drawing on my extensive knowledge of programming languages, software architecture, and cutting-edge technologies. I believes in a personalized approach to teaching, fostering an open and supportive environment to ensure that my mentees can flourish and excel in their careers.

It's Easy to Hire Top Software Developers in Thailand With Arc

It's Easy to Hire Top Software Developers in Thailand With Arc

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