Personal details

Yannick Y. - Remote software architect

Yannick Y.

Based in: đŸ‡ș🇾 United States
Timezone: Pacific Time (US & Canada) (UTC-7)


As a Senior Software Engineer in Silicon Valley, I have gained expertise in various technologies and have provided mentorship to junior developers. I possess strong problem-solving and analytical skills, which I believe are essential for successful mentoring. I am committed to ongoing learning and development, as demonstrated by my various certifications in the field. I am excited about the opportunity to share my knowledge and expertise with others and help them achieve their goals.

On this platform, my goal is to challenge myself and advance my skills while contributing to the growth and development of others in the industry.

Work Experience

ENOV Group | May 2022 - Present
Go (Golang)

Founded ENOV Group, a thriving web development agency, managing strategy, client relations, and finances.

Directed delivery of top-quality web projects, boosting client retention and referrals.

Fostered team culture and efficient workflows for optimal performance and client satisfaction.