Personal details

Olivier R. - Remote game developer

Olivier R.

Based in: 🇺🇸 United States
Timezone: Stockholm (UTC+2)


Experienced C++ developer with experience with UI, 3D Graphics, GLSL, HLSL, Games, Algorithms, Engine Programming.

What I work with

I worked with Shaders, Meshes, 3D effects, Materials, Post Processing, gameplay programming, tools and 3D scene interaction.

I have experience with web development in Python Django and Javascript.

Check my resume for a more complete list of contributions and skills.

What I am working on right now

I am making games in Rust using the Bevy engine, for the chalenge, the learning and the fun of it. I made a first snakebird clone.

And now working on extending the concept to make it a 3D game, the WIP can be played with here.

Work Experience

Freelance C++ Developer
InstaLOD | Aug 2020 - Dec 2021
3D Graphics
My latest role as a freelance developer working on a new game engine and modern editor. I was maintaining the MacOS platform code (Window and event management). I worked on 3D rendering of Gizmos as well as 3D scene UX (picking, camera and object manipulation) in C#. I helped maintain and build the in house UI code.
Graphics programmer
Massive Entertainment | Jan 2017 - Jan 2019
I worked on the tech team of the Avatar Project - Worked on engine and graphics features. - Worked involved writing multi-threaded, cache efficient, optimized code. - Writing and maintaining shaders for impostors, effects, and atmospheric effects. - Wrote a new impostor system for trees including asset preparation and rendering.


Technical University of Denmark
Master's degree・Computer Science
Sep 2009 - Sep 2011

Personal Projects

AI (artificial intelligence)
A small game engine with navigation mesh generation and path finding.