Personal details

Merlyn C. - Remote back-end developer

Merlyn C.

Timezone: Central Time (US & Canada) (UTC-5)



My goal as your mentor is to not only help solve your problem but to help you grow and evolve as a developer by helping you understand the solution and why (I feel) it is the best approach to take.

A little background as to what got me here:
I started writing PHP when I was in middle school and have never looked back. I came to codementor because I remember how empowering and helpful my mentors were when I was just learning PHP 4. If it wasn't for them I would not be where I am today so I'm hoping to give back to the community.

Currently I work with a team of developers using PHP along with other languages to build custom features for our clients. Our application is one of the largest in the 340B space and handles millions of records in a single transaction.
I've learned through my years to write clean, efficient and fool proof code. I have a very strong belief behind KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid), following strict coding standards (Symfony and PSR-2) and unit testing code.

I have experience building:

  • Web Applications (MVC)
  • RESTful APIs
  • procedural tasks (cron jobs)
  • Websites

I have experience with the following frameworks:

  • Symfony2
  • CodeIgniter
  • Silex
  • SlimFramework