Personal details

Sam - Remote


Timezone: Pacific Time (US & Canada) (UTC-7)


Please note my rates are higher than others because I am a trained interview at X top company with a consistent track record at getting people into Facebook, Google, Amazon, etc.

I'm an ivy league educated graduate and am currently working at one of the top tech companies in Silicon Valley. If you're looking to get into the Facebooks, the Amazons and the Googles, my job is to do whatever it takes to make sure you are as well prepared as possible.

I have gotten people from L4 to L6 into Google/Facebook

We'll start off with how much you know and we'll create an in depth plan on how we're going to get you there with how much time you're willing to spend.

We'll go through all the topics including Algorithms, data structures (Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues, Priority Queues, heaps, tries, binary search trees, graphs, etc), Bitwise, Dynamic Programming, in depth on tackling backtracking problems, DFS, BFS, strings (parsing, matrix, hash tables, etc), regular expressions, two pointer problems, operating system topics and much more.

We're going to use Python as it's the easiest to write code for interviews. I'll show you the shortcuts with Python and patterns that I've developed over the years of interviewing. Once I feel you have a good grasp on the knowledge, we'll move forward with mock interviews and work on the weak points.