Personal details

Ishank A. - Remote

Ishank A.

Timezone: Zurich (UTC+1)


Hi! I'm a software engineer in the cloud storage platform team at CERN. I'm proficient in Go, C++, Python, building distributed storage systems and carrying out machine learning research.

Work Experience

Software Engineer
CERN | Mar 2020 - Present
Developing a distributed interoperability middleware between storage and application endpoints in Golang, which powers federated resource-sharing across cloud providers. Built the backend microservices for creating and accessing resources over WebDAV; developed metadata manipulation and access control drivers for multiple file systems; implemented user-discovery and verification mechanisms across mesh providers; designed and integrated an rclone plugin for cross-node on-demand data transfers.
Software Engineer
Nutanix | Aug 2019 - Feb 2020
Worked on performance improvements for a log-structured persistent data store for random user writes (written in C++) - increased the I/O receptivity by over 20%. Enabled smoother background draining, resulting in lower frontend latencies; parallelized the distributed recovery of the in-memory data index for disk rehosting; optimized the write path for slice-unaligned sequential writes.


Sentiment analysis
Windows Application
An application which notifies the user of the diseases spreading in their locality and precautionary measures to be taken by performing a sentiment analysis on real-time tweets around the user's location. It forms clusters of the reported cases and testing whether the user’s location lies in any of the clusters through various heuristics, using data supplied by doctors and hospitals to report cases.
Relational Algebra Engine in C++
I implemented the procedural query language, which operates on relations using some specified operators, such as select, project, cartesian product, join and aggregate operations to answer user-defined queries.