Personal details

Francis T. - Remote back-end developer

Francis T.

Timezone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC-4)


I am an independent Software developer and trainer with over 17 years experience developing highly scalable backend applications. I am mostly specialized in Scala, Functional Programming, distributed systems, and Software Design.

Over my career, I had the opportunity to train dozens of teams in various fields such as Scala, Functional Programming, and Reactive Architecture. I am also pretty active in the community (ZIO in particular) and can introduce you to other high-level developers to boost your career.

You can find more about me here:

Work Experience

Principal Software Engineer
Contramap | Jun 2020 - Present
Functional Programming
Provide technical expertise regarding Scala, functional programming and reactive system design through talks, blog posts, open-source contributions, training and development. I work remotely only and am based in Quebec, Canada.
YoppWorks logo Lead Consultant / Senior Developer / Trainer
Yoppworks | May 2017 - Sep 2020
Cats Effect
- Speaker / Scala, Akka, Reactive Architectures & Spark Trainer on the behalf of Lightbend - Contributed to develop a drone fleet management software - Contributed to develop a workspace booking software ( - Contributed to develop a skill management software - Contributed to develop a simulator for a massive insurance company - Contributed to migrate AS400 based architectures to Microservices based architectures for a massive financial/marketing services company, and a multinational diversified hospitality company - Wrote a Functional Programming course covering Cats and Cats-Effect related libraries - Contributed to improve/refactor ONAP (SDC) on a significant level - Taught Scala, Akka, Spark, Functional Programming and Reactive Architectures to teams in Canada, India, China, Australia, Japan, Europe and in the USA.