Personal details

Christian M. - Remote

Christian M.

Timezone: Pacific Time (US & Canada) (UTC-7)


For 9 years (2009-2018) I worked in industry as a Machine Learning Scientist specializing in Natural Language Processing and Speech Recognition. The last 5 of those years I was at Amazon improving the Alexa personal assistant. During the 2000’s I was a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon University and a postdoc at Oregon Health & Science University working in Natural Language Processing. For my Ph.D. thesis I designed a machine learning algorithm that automatically learns the morphological structure of words in any language. I completed my Bachelor’s in Computer Science, with minors in Math and Physics, from Brigham Young University in 2000. Currently, I am building a physics-based 3D video game for mobile devices (using Unity and C#). In video games, I get to use math, physics, and programming all in a creative setting!

Work Experience

Machine Learning Scientist | Jul 2013 - Nov 2018
Machine Learning
Improved and extended the Alexa Personal Assistant
Senior Research Scientist
Nuance Communications | Nov 2010 - Jul 2013
Machine Learning
Language modeling
Built and improved language models for speech recognition, with a focus on techniques for richly inflecting languages.