Personal details

Alex V. - Remote

Alex V.

Timezone: Rome (UTC+1)


Full Stack Developer for 9 Years

Currently Teaching on Codementor Exclusively on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Please DM to schedule

Full Stack Javascript Developer
React + Redux + Node.js.
Winner of multiple Ethereum Hackathons (EthGlobal, Gitcoin, AAVE, theGraph, Matic, Polygon, Badger)
DeFi Yield Farming Strategy Developer
Former Lead Dev at Ethereum Crypto / DeFi Startup
Experienced in developing with Solidity, theGraph, Hardhat, Vyper, Brownie.
Tons of Wordpress and some Python.
Java during CS.
Understanding of Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology (course at UNIMIB + experience)
Bachelor in CS.

Work Experience

Jobberino | May 2017 - Present
Jobberino helps young italians get a better job by assisting them in writing their resumes and sharing important tips regarding legislation, productivity and achieving a better life/work balance. As of now over 7 writer contributed 30+ articles to the project and we currently reach over 150,000 people a year.
Project Manager
Freelancer | Feb 2017 - Present
As a Project Manager I had the pleasure of working with great talent both on the programming and the design side. We have been challenged to develop applications following Agile practices and learning as we went.


Jobberino is one of my content marketing websites, aimed at helping italians to find a job
Beard Yourself
Shoot a picture and draw a beard on top of it!