Personal details

João S. - Remote back-end developer

João S.

Based in: 🇳🇱 Netherlands
Timezone: Amsterdam (UTC+2)


Self taught developer with loads of experience in a number of different areas of software engineering. I have helped design, develop and implement end to end applications of all sizes that range on a number of platforms including Windows (VB5, 6, Dotnet), OSX Native (Objective-C), Mobile Applications (iOS, Android), Cloud Computing (AWS, GCP), Systems Programming and Game Development.

I have engineered complex and high scale application, helped built and led small and medium sized teams, delivering quality software on time and under budget.

I have a vast experience in many programming languages, frameworks, design patterns and all the phases in a software development cycle. I also have a bachelors degree in Business administration with a minor in International Commerce and have post-graduate degree in Business Management, which gives me a wide view of the business.

Specialties Skills:

  • Software development
  • Game Development
  • Systems Design
  • Agile Methodologies.
  • Team Building and Leadership by example

Proficient Programming Languages:

  • Go, Rust, C++, C#, NodeJS, Python


  • Cloud Computing (AWS, GCP)
  • Kubernetes, Docker.
  • Devops practices
  • Game Development with Unity and Godot

Work Experience

Staff Software Engineer
One Concern | Dec 2019 - Present
Google Cloud Platform
Go (Golang)
AWS (Amazon Web Services)

• Python, Rust and Golang services development, design and maintenance
• Shell Scripting
• Managing cloud services in Google Cloud Platform with multiple projects and regions.
• Managing cloud related costs
• Third Party Services
• Kubernetes setup, maintenance and Containerization of services
• Terraform as infrastructure as code platform
• Pulumi as infrastructure as code platform
• Circle CI - Introduction and development orbs into the companies
culture and CI Pipelines.
• Agile Development acting as Scrum Master
• Activity involved in the overall Architecture and Systems Design
• Argo Workflows & Pipelines
• Big Data, ingestion and processing of massive loads of information for Machine Learning models and pipelines running.