Personal details

Lily R. - Remote back-end developer

Lily R.

Based in: 🇷🇸 Serbia
Timezone: Zurich (UTC+2)


I'm a Software Engineer at XXX (privacy). I've also worked as a Software Development Engineer at Amazon (Alexa) for 3 years, and I've also done a couple of internships during my studies, including the ones at Nvidia (Linux graphics drivers), Microsoft (Office) and Amazon (Alexa). I've been programming for around 14 years now.

I also used to be a Student Teaching Assistant and I find teaching/mentoring extremely motivating - sometimes I'd get introduced to new interesting topics that I'd probably never think of finding out about on my own if it wasn't for the purpose of explaining it to someone else. Sometimes I'd get a completely new perspective on subjects I thought I knew when trying to find a way to present it to someone else. I'd really love to keep learning this way.

One of the topics I'm always happy to talk about are the interviews - I've done a fair share of them, most of them in top tech companies and I would love to share what I've observed so far. I'm always up for tackling interesting interview questions, doing mock interviews or just giving resume tips (I got my interviews at Amazon and Google without a referral, so I might know a trick or two to make your resume stand out. :))

Other than that, you can always reach out to me if you have questions related to Java, Python, C, C++, Android, SQL, GIT, Mathematics etc. I try to keep my knowledge and skills up to date and learn something new every day by helping you!