Personal details

Oluwatosin - Remote back-end developer


Based in: 🇺🇸 United States
Timezone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC-4)


Hi! I'm Olutosin and I love building software. I've spent almost 10 years writing software with a deep focus in Python and data-centric applications. My experience and education spans clients like Amazon, General Electric, and degrees from Stanford, Harvard, and Georgia Tech.

Work Experience

Surf | Jan 2020 - Present
NLP (Natural Language Processing)
AWS (Amazon Web Services)

Identify business needs, raise funds, recruit team members, research market demand, design and develop product.
• Software Architecture. Design system for recurring ETL of unstructured data from various sources for use in a
multi-stage information retrieval pipeline powered by large language models and embeddings.
• Engineering Leadership. Hired and managed engineers, implemented processes for regular deployment, design
reviews, style guides, and knowledge sharing.
• Technologies: Python, Hugging Face, OpenAI, AWS, NoSQL, PostgreSQL, Docker, Github Actions

Engineering Manager
Material Handling Systems | Jun 2018 - May 2020
Amazon S3
Machine Learning
Test Automation
AWS Lambda
AWS (Amazon Web Services)

Orchestrated architectural design and implementation of cloud-based predictive analytics system for distribution centers. Served as customer interface for domestic and international clients running large scale logistics operations.
• Team Leadership. Hired, trained, and managed a global team of nine engineers to build IoT platform.
• Product Launch. Collaborated with stakeholders to define product strategy and launch 2nd generation product.
• Process Optimization. Coordinated cloud infrastructure re-design and implementation resulting in 80% application
speed increase.


Harvard Business School
MBA・General Management with Technology Focus
Aug 2020 - Jun 2022
Harvard School of Engineering
Master's degree・Computer Science (NLP focus)
Jul 2020 - Jun 2022

Personal Projects

NYT Connections CloneIconOpenNewWindows
Tailwind css
This is a clone of the NYT Connections Game. Which itself seems to be an unacknowledged clone of the British game Only Connect. The project uses React's Context API to manage global state about the game. The project also uses primitive components from shadcn/ui library.
Predicting MBA Admissions OddsIconOpenNewWindows
Machine Learning
Web Scraping
AWS (Amazon Web Services)
On an MBA blog, an admissions consultant goes through user-submitted profiles and gives them his expert opinion on their chances of getting into particular MBA programs. As a prospective MBA applicant, you're likely really just interested in reading about the profile that is a closest match to your own- but, it's unlikely that someone has the exact same stats and background, so you settle for the closest approximation. The issue is that there are hundreds of these profiles and they're spread across over 60 distinct articles. I scraped the data from the website blog posts, normalized it to be used as training data for a machine learning model, deployed the model behind a serverless API on AWS, set up a simple form on my website to allow people to interact with the API.