Personal details

Tim C. - Remote back-end developer

Tim C.

Back-end developer
Based in: 🇺🇸 United States
Timezone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC-4)


Hello! I've used a lot of different technologies for work (Python/Django, PHP/Wordpress, git, SQL, AWS, HTML/CSS/Javascript) and constantly seek new programming experiences on my own, so I'm prepared to help with a wide variety of languages and topics.

Code is a tool for communicating not just with computers, but with humans too - I care a lot about testing code and making it understandable.

Work Experience

Programming Tutor
Self-employed | Feb 2021 - Present
AWS (Amazon Web Services)
I've provided both short- and long-term tutoring and mentoring on to people across a wide variety of skill levels and topics. I find a lot of satisfaction in supporting others in the development of competence and confidence.
Back-end Developer
PropCheck | Aug 2021 - Jan 2023
Apache Airflow
AWS (Amazon Web Services)

PropCheck was building a tool to track and visualize data on rental housing. I designed an initial plan for the project, including automation and monitoring of data extraction/scraping, a relational database, an API, and a single-page web application. I set up Airflow, built a Flask API to make the data accessible to front-end developers, and managed deployment and AWS resources for the rest of the team.


University of Kansas
Bachelor's degree・Computer Science
Aug 2009 - May 2016

Personal Projects

The QwantzleIconOpenNewWindows
Open-ended exploration of anagrams inspired by a puzzle in Dinosaur Comics (
Quadtree toyIconOpenNewWindows
Godot Engine
Visualization of the quadtree generated as points are added to it