Personal details

Tiago F. - Remote

Tiago F.

Timezone: UTC (UTC0)


I am an enthusiastic software engineer, passionate about ECMAScript and frontend technologies. My primary focus is to write and breathe clean code. I strongly believe that code is written primarily for humans and then machines. I am a big fan of rapid iteration and hypothesis testing. My skills are in product design, planning, development, and debugging.

I am also following my curiosity on blockchain. Trying to read everything I can about the subject. Expect me to be very inquiring and interested. My focus is on trying to understand why a business would use blockchain. And if so, where do tokens come in. I love the fact that we are just seeing the tip of the iceberg.

Work Experience

Frontend Developer
Paddy Power Betfair | Jan 2015 - Present
As a software engineer at Paddy Power Betfair I was involved in building the best experience for Betfair Mobile Exchange as a frontend developer. We have adopted AngularJS framework for the frontend and NodeJS for the backend. I was exposed to several challenges on achieving the best performance (either on requests handling, JavaScript compilation and HTML painting). I was a strong advocate on the adoption of ECMAScript new versions (mainly ES6 and ES7.)  And a promoter on the adoption of RxJS from Ben Lesh and the new paradigm of react programming. However, I do find RxJS challenging to debug and test. I was also lucky to be able to adopt the Redux Architecture into Betfair Mobile Exchange. Having a unique source of truth when it comes to betting is extremely important and powerful. As a software engineer, I shared the challenge of bringing something new into a legacy product. With good fortune, I was able to give some talks and keep my passion for written blog posts.
Sofware Engineering
Microsoft | Sep 2013 - Nov 2014
At Microsoft, I was a software engineering intern in the Dynamics NAV Infrastructure Team. The team worked using Agile and had a strong focus on developing high-quality and low-maintenance software solutions to support developers. My responsibilities were around system maintenance and development. This included the development of Windows PowerShell modules, the definition and writing of testing cases, and the creation and maintenance of virtual machines. I was lucky to have the chance to empower developers work, especially on designing and developing the infrastructure for running developers’ code and tests.