Personal details

Tales M. - Remote full-stack developer

Tales M.

Based in: 🇧🇷 Brazil
Timezone: Brasilia (UTC-3)


Software Engineer with 10 years of experience, focused on backend using Node.js. I am experience in several programming languages like Java and Ruby. I have AWS background as well as frontend. Excperience creating reliable API's and maintaining databases

Work Experience

Systems Analyst
Tribunal Regional Eleitoral De Goias | Dec 2015 - Present
Java EE
Hibernate ORM
Software's Architecture Design and improvement. Develop and maintain systems using JAVA and HTML5. Writing and maintaining Web Services using Java on RestEasy, Hibernate and Java EE. Building web pages and systems using AngularJs and HTML5. Refactoring code as well. Resolving problems on Production's systems. Building SQL queries to reports. Researching and defining new technologies and tools that can be added to the development routine.


Bachelor's degree・Computer Engineering
Mar 2009 - Jul 2017

Personal Projects

Java EE
Java 8
JPA Hibernate
This system has been built to manage travel expenses solicitations for the whole court. The Backend was develop using Domain Driven Design with Java ee, Hibernate, Jax RS, Velocity, etc. The front end was built using AngularJs and AngularMaterial. The front end has some pages to handle the solicitation's process, some administration pages and the page to create the solicitation. The page to create the solicitation was the most difficult one. The input to calculete the solicitation envolves: Person( who will receive the money back), the route where the people will or went, the posistion of the person, check if the travel is a Team travel, if there is a Judge in the team, the price should be calculated using the judge expenses values. Furthermore, the calculations should handle another solicitation, for example: solicitation 1: There is a Judge, from day 01/09 to 05/09; Solicitation 2: There are employees who are not judges, from 01/09 to 10/09. The system had to understand that the judge was going junbt in some days and make the right calculation. All of this had to be calculated after each input change. be saved and retrieved always that were necessary.

Certifications & Awards

AWS Practitioner
AWS | Oct 2021