Personal details

Swazoo C. - Remote full-stack developer

Swazoo C.

Based in: 🇺🇸 United States
Timezone: Central Time (US & Canada) (UTC-5)


I have developed and continue to develop the technical writing, communication, root cause analysis, and engineering skills that will allow me to be a vital member to any team. These skills paired with my calm, patient personality enable me to immediately take responsibility and ownership of a position while maintaining the enthusiasm and determination required to deliver excessive value.

My core experience set is as a full stack software developer with a focus on MEAN and MERN stack applications. I'm highly proficient in the Angular, Next.js, Node, Express, Loopback, and MongoDB frameworks with a deep level of knowledge of industry standard devOps, specifically Docker, Kubernetes, Github, and AWS.

Work Experience

Full Stack Software Developer
Axle Informatics | Jan 2021 - Present
GitHub Actions
AWS (Amazon Web Services)

Responsible for the development of the Polus Notebooks Hub application, an
internal business tool that acts as a hub and prototypical templating engine for
JupyterHub integrations using Notebook, Python, and R files, along with
associated dependencies, enabling the user to open the file as a dashboard
(Voila, Streamlit, RShiny, etc.) or development environment (VSCode, RStudio,
JupyterLab, etc.) in the Cloud on AWS servers through the JupyterHub API,
utilizing Jupyter Servers as a medium.
Lead Developer for the Polus Notebooks Hub application, creating the
architecture from scratch including the Angular frontend, the Node.JS backend,
the NoSQL schemas, the integration with JupyterHub and Jupyter Servers, and
the Docker (Compose), Helm, Kubernetes, Github Actions CICD deployment

Senior Full Stack Software Engineer
FedEx | May 2020 - Jan 2021

Responsible for major REST API integrations and SPA business logic data
population spread throughout claims related, internal, front-end JavaScript
applications as well as the claims application on the website.
Partially responsible for the dev-ops process of these applications. Supports
new development for several claims related backend JAVA applications, new
SQL queries, and j-unit testing. All code bases are in the scale of tens-of
thousands of lines, and new development is managed with agile
methodology. Experience with Selenium integration testing for our customer
facing applications.


MIT x Pro
Certificatoin・Data Science and Big Data Analytics
Feb 2018 - Apr 2018
Virginia Polytechnic Institute of Technology
Master's degree・Electrical Engineering
Aug 2015 - May 2017