Personal details

Rodrigo L. - Remote Android developer

Rodrigo L.

Senior Software Engineer
Based in: 🇨🇦 Canada
Timezone: Central Time (US & Canada) (UTC-5)


A passionate mobile developer with more than 7 years of professional experience working as a team leader and a software engineer, with specialization in Android native and Flutter.

Rodrigo enjoys one opportunity where he can contribute effectively with his experience. Curious developer who is constantly learning and a cryptocurrency enthusiast in my free time.

Likes to share his experience and talking about the challenges he faces via blog and code meet-ups.

Work Experience

Senior Mobile Software Engineer
EBANX | Mar 2021 - Present
Unit Testing
Clean Architecture
As a Senior Mobile Engineer worked in a digital wallet application with, bank account, prepaid card, cash back and a shopping feature where users receive cashback, that will be available to several countries in Latin America, therefore built with a modular architecture to support all the localization issues. Responsibilities: - Lead a team of 2 engineers to build the new digital wallet application. - Conduction code review, ensuring the safety and guidelines well-defined by the team. - Construction of pipelines for continuous delivery and continuous integration of the application. - Architect solutions to solve issues regardless localization and multi packages projects. - Write documentations about the process and the project, creating guidelines of flutter and android with the team. - Help the onboarding and recruiting team to develop curated guidelines to find better candidates.
Kodie Lab | Apr 2020 - Present
CoFounder of a small software house agency. - Prospected new customers, understanding their needs and helping them to build their mobile apps. - Worked on hybrid app development using Flutter. - Developed an app in the event space, allowing users to get tickets at the best prices through sale and resale. - Developed an Apple Watch version of the 12 Mins app - an app providing 12-minute gists of the most popular books. - Develop an app where users can scan the qr code printed on fridges placed on strategic places, and enabling them to purchase products inside the fridge, using IA algorithm to detect which products the user took from the fridge and charging them with the add card on the mobile app. - Develop an app where users can have three different types of profile: - Investor, users can invest on the construction of new solar energy plants. - Consumer, users can get discounts on their electricity bills - Trader, users can get money promoting the platform.


Bachelor's degree・Computer Science
Jan 2014 - Dec 2017