Personal details

Rinde L. - Remote

Rinde L.

Timezone: Amsterdam (UTC+2)


I am an experienced full-stack software developer with a PhD in CS/AI. My specialties are software design, explaining advanced concepts in easy to understand ways, and research methodology. I am currently bootstrapping my own SaaS company for appointment scheduling using a server-less Rust backend and a Flutter (web) frontend.

Work Experience

Planrising | Nov 2019 - Present
AWS DynamoDB
AWS Lambda
AWS API Gateway
SaaS for scheduling appointments Developing a server-less REST backend that can calculate availability. Built a rust derive macro for generating DynamoDB (de)serialization code and for generating Dart and TypeScript classes from Rust structs. Built using Rust, Lambda, DynamoDB, and API Gateway. Developing an appointment scheduling frontend using TypeScript, Next.js, AWS Lambda@Edge, and AWS CloudFront. Developing an account manager frontend for customers to change their availability and manage their account. Built using Flutter (web), Dart, and AWS CloudFront. Building the company from the ground up.
CTO | Full-stack developer
Chorefree | Oct 2018 - Oct 2019
AWS DynamoDB
AWS Lambda
AWS API Gateway
Aws sqs
Designed and developed a REST back end using Lambda, DynamoDB, API Gateway, and Java. Created an extensive test suite for the Java code and its interaction with DynamoDB. Created a system for scheduling appointments between customers and cleaners. The system allows customers to pick availability based on the services required and the availability of cleaners with the right skillset. Built a Shopify front end that interacts with our back end to let customers make appointments while using Shopify for payments and website hosting. Developed a front end for a human planner using React and JavaScript. The front end presents an overview of all appointments and allows the user to drag and drop appointments between dates and cleaners. Created a program that handles webhooks coming from Shopify, parses them, and performs applicable actions on the back end.

Personal Projects

Multi agent systems
RinSim is a simulator framework in Java for logistics. It allows for the scientific evaluation of algorithms for pickup-and-delivery problems. Some of the features include the option to simulate in soft real-time, to perform a large number of simulations in a distributed fashion, and to simulate pre-recorded scenarios. RinSim's design is modular and flexible, allowing for a wide range of uses. RinSim is still actively used in the master of computer science program at KU Leuven.
Multi-agent Systems for Dynamic Logistics | Systematic Evaluation and Bio-inspired OptimizationIconOpenNewWindows
Multi agent systems
Genetic programming
This is my PhD dissertation about optimization, logistics, multi-agent systems, and genetic programming.