Personal details

Pavel Š. - Remote

Pavel Š.

Timezone: Prague (UTC+2)


My primary focus is open source software development, consultancy and training. I'm interested in software development, testing and advanced debugging. I'm coding mostly in C and Python. My other interests are linux distribution build systems and infrastructure and network configuration software.

I have experience in software development, testing and debugging. I spoke at a number of open source conferences and I consider myself part of the wider open source development community and network configuration community in particular. I work primarily on Gentoo linux but I have experience with all sorts of binary linux distributions and some BSD.

I'm used to working with other people on the same level as well as leading, mentoring and training other people in various open source technologies including but not excluding C, Python, Git, Kernel and Networking.

Work Experience

Open Source Hacker
(independent consultant) | Mar 2008 - Present
Independent consultant and trainer working with software developers and system administrators. I work with a wide range of companies from small business to corporations. My specialization is software development tools and network configuration software.
Software Engineer
Red Hat | May 2012 - May 2017
Systems Programming
Open source software developer, package maintainer and innovator. Specialized in computer networking standards including IPv6 and DNSSEC among others.