Personal details

Murilo P. - Remote

Murilo P.

Timezone: London (UTC+1)


I dropped physics in 2009 to become a fullstack developer and then partially dropped the developer role in 2016 to work with technology and education. While I can still be a physics teacher and a fullstack developer, what currently drives me is trying to understand how can we improve our relationship with machines through joyfull and mindfull experiences. I believe invention literacy is a way to empower people.

If we work together it’s very likely I will talk a lot about Paulo Freire and Paul Feyerabend. If you don’t know them, you should definitely check them out because they are awesome!

On my spare time I am a synth freak, homebrew computer enthusiast, marble run maker and a terrible melodeon player.

I’m interested on human machine interaction, communication protocols, procedural and generative art, kinetic sculptures, pedagogy, math and philosophy of science.