Personal details

Maximilian H. - Remote back-end developer

Maximilian H.

Timezone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC-4)


Hey! I've been a professional software developer for over a decade, with experiences in a broad spectrum of industries including oil and gas exploration, real estate, government and education sectors with a variety of different programming languages.

My goto language is Ruby and I've worked on numerous Ruby on Rails applications over the years. I used to be the Head of Ruby Development for a German software company and am the Ruby and Ruby on Rails Instructor at Skillcrush Inc. In my spare time I've co-organized and tutored at multiple RailsGirls events all over Europe.

I'm most effecitve in the backend of things but have shipped code all over the stack, on web applications, windows desktop applications as well as on mobile.

Work Experience

Founder & Director
HOLMES IV Pte. Lt.d | Mar 2016 - Present
Ruby on Rails
ArcGIS Pro
software consulting services: extend existing software packages that are used by virtually all oil super-majors (C#, Python) develop a new software solution for oil exploration management which is currently being rolled out at several oil super-majors (Angular, Python, C#) migrate/rewrite flagship product from ArcMap (ArcObjects) to ArcGIS Pro (C#, Python) develop proof of concept Xamarin.Forms iPad App leveraging existing c# product-code base work on the core of a Ruby application which is used by US corps. and gov. to track and verify credentials and certifications (ruby, grape) in-house product development of SaaS solutions (Ruby on Rails, Android App)
Ruby & Ruby on Rails Instructor
Skillcrush Inc. | Oct 2015 - Present
Ruby on Rails
lead, teach and continuously improve the Ruby and Ruby on Rails Courses at Skillcrush