Personal details

mark E. - Remote .NET developer

mark E.

Based in: đŸ‡ș🇾 United States
Timezone: Pacific Time (US & Canada) (UTC-7)


Started programming at age 12 sitting at Radio Shack using a TRS-80 (TRASH-80)

5 years at the Florida Institute of Technology studying Computer Science / Computer Engineering

Worked AT&T in Jacksonville, FL doing corporate object-orientated C++ for networked LANs.

Built a Napster-clone for the Japanese government at IBM Advanced Technologies in Boca Raton, FL

Began LAMP-Stack open source development in 2003 and have been doing that professionally ever since.

Work Experience

PHP7 / Node.js / Python3 Developer
Knuepper And Covey, PA | Sep 2019 - Jan 2020
Asynchronous Programming
Headless chrome
Work included development of class-action lawsuit level website mirroring and screenshot tools using wget, HTTRACK, screenshot APIs, Node.js (with Google’s Puppeteer headless chrome project), and Python (with Selenium headless browser project). Built high-performance multi-process website link crawler that processed website mirrors and screenshot by actually “clicking” each link on every page, recursively, and not by simply scraping the href’s and thus missing all the JS-based links/buttons that many modern websites currently use.
OO Application Architect / Lead PHP7 Developer
Advanced Technology Solutions | Feb 2019 - Sep 2019
OAuth 2.0
Microsoft SQL Server
Linux System Administration
Bootstrap 4
Work included object-oriented (OO) MVC-based design and PHP7 development of the enterprise internal webapp “ATSCall” that dynamically and seamlessly integrated up to 512 CDR (call detail records) tables from remote CentOS and Microsoft Asterisk PBX systems using both MySQL and SQL Server databases, using state-of-the-art UX features like Bootstrap 4 datatables, drag-n-drop data mapping, and OAuth 2 user validation. Led the enterprise infrastructure team for the development of APIs for an end-to-end integration of services for SaaS layers. Consolidated CDR data was published through a high-performance REST API, built with PHP7 using the same self-engineered rapid application development (RAD) MVC framework used for the CDR integrations. Developed nonce/secret key security to allow only authorized users access to sensitive billing and call duration data. Optimized queries over large 100M+ row tables for almost instantaneous response times. Configured and successfully implemented live internet-facing Windows 2016 Apache2 server with Microsoft SQL Server backend database. Full HTTPS was achieved using locally generated test and CA generated production-ready certs and .PEM files. Installed somewhat hard-to-find working ODBC SQL Server drivers for Apache2.

Personal Projects

Las Vegas Luxe RealtyIconOpenNewWindows
Amazon EC2
Responsive Design
LAMP Stack
Responsive Web Development
a Las-Vegas-based live Real Estate website. Learn how to do heavy-duty MLS backend data importing. RETS Image downloading. REST APIs. Responsive UI/UX. Fast MySQL searching and display. MVC-based web application development.