Personal details

Marcos L. - Remote

Marcos L.

Timezone: Central Time (US & Canada) (UTC-5)


I'm and expert in installation, maintenance, tuning, troubleshooting, backup and recovery of Oracle databases. I have assisted Linux systems administrator with aspects related to database hosting; contacted vendors and recommended equipment purchases.

Work Experience

Project and Technical Leader in Oracle and Database Solutions
HPE CONNECT | Jun 2001 - Present
Provide DBA services for crucial systems like 2TS (tax and trade), meta4 (payroll), PARTS (Inventories) and eCPTS (purchases) and IMAN(Design and Unigraphics). We give support to those projects 24x7. On these projects have acquired experience as a DBA working on different operating systems such as HP-UX, Solaris, windows and LINUX, he also have worked on tuning methodologies and defining backup and recovery strategies, and high availability systems.
EDS | May 2002 - Jul 2004
Provide DBA services for crucial systems like 2TS (tax and trade), meta4 (payroll), PARTS (Inventories) and eCPTS (purchases) and IMAN(Design and Unigraphics). On these projects have acquired experience as a DBA working on different operating systems such as HP-UX, Solaris, windows and LINUX, he also have worked on tuning methodologies and defining backup and recovery strategies, and high availability systems.