Personal details

J.J. M. - Remote back-end developer

J.J. M.

Timezone: Central Time (US & Canada) (UTC-5)


NEW MENTOR SPECIAL PRICE! I want to get some experience helping YOU so I've set my price really low. Get on this quick as it will not stay this way for long.

I didn’t want to become a developer… but it just kind of happened and I can’t quit after 22 years. Ok fine I do love it and I have experienced just about every problem and issue that one can find. I love helping people and finding solutions.

  • ColdFusion for way too long
  • Ruby on Rails for the last 6 years
  • Managed teams of 1 to 20.

Work Experience

Sleepspace | Jun 2019 - Present
Ruby on Rails
Ruby dev and now CTO of an app based startup
Web Dev
Panos Creative | May 2011 - Present
Ruby on Rails
Freelancer doing web development